Anatomy Paper II Question Bank / Important questions / Sample questions Paper

Here All the important Anatomy Questions  of Anatomy Paper I are given. You can print them for your study purpose.This is also Anatomy  Question bank for BHMS 1st year


FOR 2 MARKS QUESTIONS (for Anatomy II Q.NO 1 )
1.    Total no. of true ribs.
2.    Total no. of false ribs.
3.    Total no. of floating ribs.
4.    Total no. of typical ribs.
5.    Total no. of vertebra.
6.    Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal.
7.    Which muscle separates thoracic and abdominal cavity?
8.    Which is the principle muscle of respiration?
9.    Above downwards what are the structures passing through right hilum?
10.  Which lung may have azygos lobe?
11.  How many broncho-pulmonary segments are there in right lung?
12.  How many broncho-pulmonary segments are there in left lung?
13.  What is the height vs width ratio in right lung?
14.  What are the major openings of diaphragm?
15.  What are the vertebral level of different diaphragmatic opening?
16.  What are the openings of heart?
17.  What are the valves of heart?
18.  Ligamentum arteiosum attached to which two structures?
19.  What are the sinuses present in pericardium?
20.  AV node present beneath which triangle?
21.  Crux is meeting point of which vessels?
22.  What are the branches of arch of aorta?

23.  What is the pneumogastric nerve?
24.  Space of Mall is situated in which organ?
25.  Portal triad is situated in which organ?
26.  Bladder has how many surfaces?
27.  What is the measurement of spleen?
28.  What is the weight of liver?
29.  What is the length of ureter?
30.  What is the length of oesophagus?
31.  What is the length of inguinal canal?
32.  How many lobes are there in prostate
33.  Name the terminal branches of aorta
34.  Name formative branches of celiac trunk
35.  Name formative branches of portal vein
36.  Give measurements of spleen
37.  Give measurements of kidney
38.  Give measurements of stomach
39.  Which is the largest gland?
40.  Which is the largest lymph node
41.  Where is the watershed line
42.  Where is transpyloric line


43.  Name a ball and socket joint in inferior extremity.
44.  Name a syndesmosis type of joint in inferior extremity.
45.  Name a hinge joint in inferior extremity.
46.  What are the bones forming medial longitudinal arch?
47.  What are the bones forming lateral longitudinal arch?
48.  Which is the largest sesamoid bone?
49.  Which is the strongest and longest bone?
50.  Which bone is used as donor’s bone?
51.  Which one is the strongest and bulkiest muscle?
52.  What are the antigravity muscles?
53.  What are the hamstring muscles?
54.  What are the culf muscles?
55.  What are triceps suri?
56.  What are the muscles forming floor of femoral triangle?
57.  What are the quadriceps femoris muscles?
58.  What is the tailor’s muscle?
59.  Which one is the largest muscle?
60.  Which one is the donor’s muscle?
61.  Name two branches of femoral artery.
62.  Name two branches of arteria profunda femoris.
63.  Name two branches of anterior tibial artey.
64.  Name two branches of arteria dorsalis pedis.
65.  What are the veins forming dorsal venous arch?
66.  Name the veins of superficial venous drainage of inferior extremity.
67.  Name two receiving twigs of femoral vein.
68.  Which vein is used as donor’s vein?
69.  Which is the longest nerve?
70.  Which is the thickest nerve?
71.  Which nerve supplies the posterior compartment of thigh?
72.  Which nerve supplies the medial compartment of thigh?
73.  Which nerve supplies posterior compartment of leg?
74.  Name two branches of pneumogastric nerve 75. Mention two branches of left coronary artery. 


FOR 5 MARKS QUESTIONS (for Anatomy II Q.NO 2 ) 

1.    Describe Mediastinum
2.    Describe external feature of left lung
3.    Describe relation of left lung 4. Describe Medial surface of right lung.
5.    Describe interior Of Rt Atrium
6.    Describe interior Of Rt. ventricle
7.    Describe interior Of Lt. ventricle
8.    Describe coronary circulation
9.    Describe in detail esophagus.
10.  Describe in detail trachea.
11.  Describe in detail thoracic duct.
12.  Describe in detail azygos system of vein
13.  Describe in detail pericardium 14. Describe in detail the diaphragm.
15.  Thoracic Inlet
16.  Sternum
17.  Hilum
18.  Valves of heart
19.  Trabecule carnae
20.  Bronchopulmonary segment
21.  describe histology of cardiac muscles.
22.  describe histology of epidedymes
23.  describe histology of kidney
24.  describe histology of spleen
25.  describe histology of stomach
26.  describe histology of thyroid.
27.  describe histology of liver
28.  describe histology of testes
29.  describe histology of ovary
30.  femoral triangle.
31.  popliteal fossa
32.  gluteal region.
33.  .gluteal muscles.
34.  hamstring muscles.
35.  calf muscles.
36.  arches of foot.
37.  sciatic nerve.
38.  arteria dorsalis pedis 
39.  Ligaments Of knee joint
40.  Describe in detail of femoral artery
41.  Dorsal venous arch

FOR 20 MARKS QUESTIONS(for Anatomy II Q.NO 5/6/7 )

1.Describe in detail liver UNDER
a)Border, surfaces and lobes
b)Ligaments and fissures
c) impressions
d)diagram and applied

2.Describe in detail liver under
A.    Situation, colour, consistency and weight
B.    Porta hepatis and bare areas
C.   Histology
D.   circulation
3.Describe in detail stomach under
a)situation, capcity and parts
c)macroscopic feature
d)microscopic feature
4.Describe in detail stomach under
a)external features
b)stomach bed
c)gastric circulation

5.Describe in detail gross features of spleen under
b)borders, surfaces with diagram
c)external feature and relations
d) inner stuctures 
6.Describe in detail gross features of duodenum under
a)situation, parts and measurements
b)course and relation
c)external feature with diagram
d)interior and histology
7.Describe in detail gross features of pancreas under
a)situation, parts and measurements
 b) relation
c)external feature with diagram
d)interior and histology
8.Describe in detail gross features of kidney under
a)situation, measurements
b)  relations
c)  external feature with diagram
d)interior and histology
9.Describe in detail gross features of aorta under
a)situation, parts and measurements
b)course and relation
c)external feature with diagram
10.Describe in detail gross features of inferior vena cava under
a)situation, parts and measurements
b)course and relation
c)external feature with diagram
11.Describe in detail gross features of rectus sheath under
a)situation and parts
d)circulation nerve supply and applied
12.Describe stomach under
A.    Gastric circulation
B.    Stomach bed
C.   Traube space
D.   Gastric triangle
13.Describe liver under
A.    Hepatic circulation
B.    Ligaments of liver
C.   Bare areas of liver
D.   Peritoneal folds related to liver

FOR 20 MARKS QUESTIONS(one of the Q5/6 OR 7)
1.Describe in detail gross features of rt and left ureter under
a)situation, parts and measurements
b)course and relation
c)external feature with diagram

2.Describe in detail gross features of bladder under
a)situation, measurements
b)  relations
c)  external feature with diagram
d)interior and histology

3.Describe in detail gross features of male urethra under
a)situation, parts and measurements
b)  course  
c)  relation
d)  external feature with diagram

4.Describe in detail gross features of prostate under
a)situation, measurements
b)  relations
c)  external feature with diagram
d)interior and histology

5.Describe in detail gross features of gonads under
A.    Situation and relation of testes
B.    Histology of testes 
C.   Situation and relation of ovary
D.   Histology of ovary
6.Describe in detail gross features of uterus under 
a)situation, measurements
b)  relations
c)  external feature with diagram
d)interior and histology
7.Describe in detail gross features of rectum under
a)situation, measurements
b)  relations
c)  circulation , diagram
d)interior and histology

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