ORGANON OF MEDICINE 4th BHMS (5,10,15 Marks Pattern)

Question Bank 
IVth (Final)  BHMS 

SAQ Short Notes 5 Marks

  1. Good prover of drug
  2. Doctrine of analogy
  3. Ideal cure
  4. Aude sapere
  5. Modus operandi of cure by Homoeopathy
  6. Temperament
  7. Diathesis
  8. Cure & recovery
  9. Constitution
  10. Fundamentals of Homoeopathy
  11. Individualisation
  12. Causative modality
  13. Prodrome of disease
  14. Maintaining cause
  15. Structural stage of disease
  16. Causa Occassionalis
  17. Evolution of disease
  18. Antipathy
  19. Indisposition
  20. Allopathy
  21. Idiosyncrasy
  22. Isopathy
  23. Intercurrent medicine
  24. Primary action
  25. Theoretic medicine
  26. Secondary action
  27. Natures law of cure
  28. Secondary counter action
  29. Genus epidemicus
  30. Alternating action
  31. Lucid interval
  32. Accessory symptom
  33. Mental diseases
  34. Antitypes given in Organon
  35. Negative symptom
  36. Perceiving
  37. Old symptom
  38. Knowledge of Physician
  39. Schein symptom
  40. Mineral bath
  41. Mesmerism
  42. Massage
  43. Keynote symptom
  44. Common symptom
  45. Diet & Regimen
  46. Concomitant symptom
  47. Animal magnetism
  48. Mental symptom
  49. Suppression
  50. Latent psora
  51. Physiological suppression
  52. Latent miasm
  53. Discharges of sycosis
  54. Surgical suppression
  55. Syphilis
  56. Sycosis
  57. Syphilis in latent state
  58. Sycotic Diathesis
  59. Syphilitic constitution
  60. Surrogates
  61. Various approaches to construct totality
  62. Single symptom totality
  63. Allen's 3 legged totality
  64. Dynamic influence
  65. Posology in Intermittent fevers
  66. Dynamisation
  67. Application of the Hering's Law in-Remedy
  68. reactions
  69. Kents observations after action of first
  70. treatment
  71. Potentisation
  72. Animation
  73. Short amelioration.
  74. Simple amelioration.
  75. Killers aggravation.
  76. Fifty millesimal potency
  77. Fifty millesimal scale
  78. Ascending Scale
  79. Homoeopathic aggravation.
  80. Importance of clinical diagnosis in
  81. homoeopathy.
  82. Apparent amelioration.
  83. Antidote 

LAQ Questions (10,15 Marks)

1. Discuss in details classification of diseases as described in organon. Discuss the purpose behind
the plan.
2. Classify diseases as per Dr. Hahnemann & explain the underlying principle of his classification
3. Disease is an evolutionary phenomenon. Discuss
4. Describe various stages in the evolution of disease. What is their relative importance from the
point of view of homoeopathic prescription.
5. How will you treatment local diseases? What are one sided diseases? Describe their
6. What is meant by surgical disease? Explain in the detail their treatment
7. Differentiate artificial disease from natural disease
8. What are epidemic diseases? To what category do they belong?
9. What is Genus Epidemicus? How will you determine it|?
10. What is an epidemic disease? How will you manage an epidemic disease
11. What is an epidemic disease? Discuss role of homoeopathy in preventing the same
12. Describe the various stages in the evolution of disease. Discuss in detail significance of each
stage from the standpoint of symptoms & susceptibility
13. What are intermittent disease? Give an outline of treatment of intermittent fever as suggested
by Dr. Hahnemann
14. What are intermittent disease? What is their miasmatic expression? How will you treat them
15. What is local malady? Explain its concept, types & management
16. What are mental diseases? Explain different types & management as per organon
17. What are mental diseases? How will you manage & treat them
18. Classify mental diseases, giving short notes against each
19. Classify acute diseases. Discuss state of susceptibility in epidemic & sporadic illness
20. Discuss `Susceptibility underlies all possible sickness, & all possible cures'
21. What is susceptibility. What is its importance in homoeopathic practice
22. What is susceptibility. How will you judge the same in a sick person
23. "Susceptibility is said to be : A differential & variable phenomenon". Explain in detail.
24. What is decreased state of susceptibility? Discuss causes, consequences & management
25. Write an essay on HIGH STATE OF SUSCEPTIBILITY with illustrative examples
26. Write an essay on `POOR REACTION' with illustrative examples.
27. Write an essay on SECOND PRESCRIPTION
28. What are various possibilities when new symptoms appear while evaluating the remedy
reaction. Discus them in detail
29. What are the factors on which remedy reaction is dependent? Discuss various patterns of
homoeopathic aggravation.
30. Describe factors on which remedy reaction is dependent. Discuss in detail poor reaction.
hich remedy reaction is dependent. Discuss in detail poor reaction.
31. Describe in brief about the Drug proving. Also discuss the concept of Ideal prover and "Best
prover" as per the Organon.
32. How the physician is to gain knowledge about the pathogenetic power of medicine
33. How do we ascertain the purest effects of the drug forces in the best possible manner?
34. Explain the scientific methods of drug proving
35. Write an essay on Chronic-case taking, incorporating various difficulties and their solution as
described in the organon
36. Discuss the case taking in depth, study and management of Local Disease, as described in
37. Discuss the relevance of general, characteristic & concomitant with respect to case processing
38. Discuss the case talking details of (i) Acute case (ii) Epidemic case (iii) Pseudochronic case
39. Write an essay on homoeopathic case taking, paying special emphasis to female presenting with
chronic complaints
40. Discuss in detail what organon advises about ancillary measures
41. What is mesmerism? What are its merits & demerits
42. What is mesmerism? What is its scope & limitations in treating the sick
43. What is auxiliary mode of treatment? Explain in detail various types of the same
44. Explain the concept of individualisation. Describe the process of individualisation
45. What is palliation? What are the conditions in which palliation is allowed in homoeopathy.
46. How will you collect the data of a chronic case?
47. Describe in brief how Hahnemann arrived at the theory of Chronic Diseases. How far it holds
good in light of modern concept of medicine.
48. Explain in brief concept of acute & chronic miasms
49. Mention in brief concept of acute & chronic miasm. How did Hahnemann arrive at the concept
of chronic miasm. In which year Hahnemann spoke about chronic miasm.
50. Discuss the concept of chronic miasm. Focus how your knowledge of clinical medicine &
pathology would help you to comprehend this concept in a better way
51. `Acute diseases are transient explosion of latent psora' Explain in detail
52. Describe in brief outstanding features of `Latent Psora'
53. What is Kent's concept of PSORA? Describe in brief outstanding features of Syphilis
54. What are miasms. Write in details the expressions of sycosis.
55. Write on essay on Tubercular miasm
56. Write briefly about the following
(1) Mental state in Psora, Sycosis
(2) Inflammatory response in Psora, Syphilitic, Sycosis, Tub.
(3) Irritability & Sensitivity of Psora, Sycosis & Syphilis
(4) Respiratory & Rheumatism of Sycosis
(5) Tubercular Child
(6) Tubercular Diathesis
(7) Syphilitic dyscrasia
(8) Poor reaction
(9) Therapeutic implications of the study of Miasms.
Explain different causes of diseases with examples
58. Explain the role of vital force in health, disease & cure
59. Write an essay on the purpose of Analysis-evaluation of cases, incorporating the guidelines for
the same.
60. What is aggravation? Describe in brief various types of aggravation.
61. What is homoeopathic & medicinal aggravation? Differentiate one from another
62. Explain in detail different types of aggravation & Exteriorisation of disease. Give your
interpretation of these observations after 1st prescription
63. How will you follow up Short Amelioration, Prolonged Aggravation, amelioration followed by
64. Define remedy reaction. Discuss various possibilities when you encounter amelioration while
evaluating remedy reaction.
65. What is importance of concomitant symptoms in practice. Why Dr.Boenninghausen gave
emphasis to these symptoms.
66. Discuss various types of symptoms you come across in sick person & their importance in
homoeopathic prescription.
67. How do you classify various symptoms from different angles? Discuss in details about key-note
68. Classify mental symptoms giving suitable examples.
69. What is totality of symptoms ? How will your perceive it.
70. Discuss various concepts of totality
71. Describe in brief various methods to construct totality
72. Writes an essay on totality of symptoms.
73. What is potency? Explain different types & their indications
74. What is posology? Elaborate in detail various factors which you will consider while selecting
75. Write an essay on Portrait of disease
76. What is Portrait of disease? How do you evolve it in a case.
77. Discuss in details the 7 cardinal principles of homoeopathy.
78. Discus dynamic, wholistic & individual concept of sickness in homoeopathy.
79. What is Nature's law of cure? How cure takes place
80. `The foundation of homoeopathy is based on laws of nature' Discuss
81. What are obstacles to cure? How do they interfere with process of cure
82. `Homoeopathy treats the patient & not the disease' - Explain
83. Discuss the knowledge of physician with reference to Dr.Hahnemann's organon
84. Describe in brief scope & limitation of homoeopathic therapeutics
85. Describe the `Modus Operandi' of homoeopathic cure
86. Explain in detail Isopathic & Antipathic mode of treatment
87. How did Dr. Hahnemann use `LOGIC' to his advantage to derive law of similars
88. Discuss in detail instructions given in organon about Diet & Regimen in the management of
89. Write in details about the importance of Diet & Regimen in Acute & Chronic diseases
90. Discuss the importance of Diet and Regimen in various types of clinical conditions, as given in
the Organon.

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