Physiology I & II Paper Combined Question Bank 3

PHYSIOLOGY (I & II Paper Combined Question Bank 3)

Important 5,10,15 Marks  Question & Question bank


Long Questions.

1.       Define  cardiac cycle &  describe various events taking place  in it
2.       Describe volume changes during cardiac cycle
3.       Describe cardiac cycle.
4.       Describe left ventricular pressure & volume changes
5.       Describe various phases of cardiac cycle in correlation with the left ventricular pressure changes
6.       What is cardiac output? Enumerate different methods used to estimate it Describe any one method in details
7.       Enumerate various factors affecting it
8.       Enumerate different parts of junctional tissues of heart Describe  in details production & propagation of cardiac impulse  , 
9.       What is heart rate? Give its physiological variations& describe how it is regulated
10.   Describe  regulation  of  blood  volume & describe any one  method  to  measure  it clinically
11.   Define Electrocardiogram. Describe the different  components of a normal E.C.G. recorded in lead II
12.   Define Blood pressure Explain short & long term regulation of blood pressure  
13.   What is blood pressure? Describe how it is measured clinically Enumerate the physiological variations in blood pressure.
14.   What is blood pressure?     
15.   Explain role of sino aortic reflex in regulation of B.P.
16.   What is sino aortic reflex? Describe how it is studied experimentally.  Enumerate its effects on cardio-respiratory mechanisms
17.   What is shock? Describe compensatory & non-compensatory mechanisms operating in circulatory shock.
18.   Cerebral circulation                      
19.   Coronary circulation
20.   Heart sounds                        
21.   First heart sound
22.   Junctional tissues of heart             
23.   Cardiac action potential
24.   Auscultatory areas of heart                  
25.   Neural control of blood pressure             
26.   Action potential in ventricular  muscle   
27.   Volumes changes in left  ventricle          
28.   Pressure changes in left ventricle   
29.   Pressure changes in left ventricle during systole
30.   Pressure changes in left ventricle during cardiac cycle

Short Notes

1.       Pulmonary  circulation               
2.       Arterial pulse
3.       Venous  place  tracing  
4.       A.V.Node                             
5.       S.A.Node                               
6.       Sino aortic reflex
7.       Baro receptor reflex
8.       P-R. Interval                          
9.       Apex  beat
10.   J.V.P.
11.   Einthoven's law


Long Questions 

1.       What are different leukocytes" Describe the structure & functions of each type.
2.       Give  physiological variations (i) of each type.  (ii) in total W.B.C.  count
3.       Describe leukopoiesis.  What are the functions of leukocytes?
4.       Name different blood groups.  Describe  how blood groups are determined? Briefly describe their clinical impotence
5.       Name different blood groups.  How are they determined? Describe the hazards of mismatched blood transfusion
6.       What are different blood groups? Explain their physiological importance.
7.       Describe the synthesis, functions& fate of Haemoglobin
8.       What is erythropoiesis?" Describe the different stages of erythropoiesis & its regulation
9.       Name different haemostatic mechanisms & describe the process of coagulation of blood in detail  
10.   What is haemostasis?  What are different mechanisms of haemostasis.  Briefly describe intrinsic & extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation
11.   Describe in different defense mechanisms of body, with special reference to role of lymphocytes in immunity  
12.   What is immunity. Describe  various types of immunity & their role in defence
13.   Describe  the  composition,  mechanism of formation  &  course  of circulation of lymph
14.   Describe the structure & functions of spleen
15.   Describe the physiology of spleen  
16.   What is pH of blood? explain its regulation
17.   State normal value of blood volume.  Describe the dye dilution method for measuring blood  volume.  Explain how it is regulated
18. Describe regulation of blood volume &  describe any one method to measure it clinically   

Short Notes

1.        Lymph gland                                  
2.        Rh. Blood group                              
3.        Rh. Factor
4.        Neutrophils  
5.        T lymphocyte
6.        Erythropoetin
7.        Haemophilia
8.        Phlebogram                                   
9.        Plasmapheresis
10.    Reticulo endothelial system                  
11.    Absorption of iron                         
12.    Platelets
13.    Thrombocytes                             
14.    Viscocity of blood                           
15.    Anaemia  
16.    Anti-coagulants
17.    Hazards of mismatched blood transfusion  
18.   Measurement of blood volume           
19.   Megaloblastic Anaemia
20.   Arneth count maturation factor        
21.   Function of lymph
22.   Rh. Incompatibility    
23.   Functions of plasma proteins
24.   Plasma proteins
25.   Functions of R.B.C.
26.   Functions of W.B.C.                 
27.   Functions of spleen
28.   Measurement of total body fluid       
29.   Capillary fluid exchange              
30.   Maturation factors                
31. Maturation factors of R.B.C.       
32.   PH regulation of blood volume   
33.  Fibrinolysis  

Nervous   System
Long Questions.

1. Enumerate  different  descending  tracts.   Describe  in  detail  origin,  course   & termination of pyramidal tracts.  Give differences it & extrapyramidal systems.

2. Compare pyramidal & extrapyramidal systems.  Briefly describe pyramidal tract.

3. Describe physiology of pyramidal tract in details

4. Describe the course of pyramidal tracts & mention the effects of its section in the internal capsule & in spinal cord-at various levels   Describe the physiology of limbic system

5. Enumerate the ascending tracts seen in thoracic segment  of spinal cord & explain pathway of touch sensation from left leg to cerebral cortex

6. Describe the pathway of touch sensation from right  great toe to cortex , Describe the connections & functions of hypothalamus

7. What is reflex action? Describe different properties of reflex action. Compare them with properties of condition reflex

8. What is reflex action? Describe different properties of reflex action.  What is the physiological importance of reflex action

9. Describe  the structure & function of synapse.  Explain their different. properties, Describe structure of synapse.  Explain mechanism of synaptic transmission Name its different properties

10. Classify receptors.  Describe their properties.

11. Describe & classify receptor organ & describe their properties.

12. Describe the structure of neuromuscular function & describe the process of neuromuscular  junction.

13. What is posture? Describe the different the different reflex mechanisms involved in achieving & maintaining the upright posture

14. Describe connections & functions of hypothalamus

Short Notes

1.       Membrane potential                 
2.       Pyramid pathway                    
3.       International tremors              
4.       Decerebrate rigidity            
5.       Parietal lobe                      
6.       Electromyogram
7. Salutatory conduction
8.       Mechanism of E.P.S.P.
9.       Functions of prefrontal lobe       
10.   Functions frontal lobe
11.   Functions of hypothalamus        
12.   Properties of synapse        
13.   Prefrontal lobectomy               
14.   Brown Sequard syndrome             
15.   Cerebrospinal fluid         
16.   Give differences between : Epinephrine & norepinephrine
17. Functions of cerebellum

Short Notes

1.       Cognition                                    
2.       Personality                                  
3.       Mental retardation                           
4.       Memory
5.       Learning                
6.       Intelligence       
7.       Conditioned learning
8.Long term memory  

Respiratory system  
Long Questions

1.       Describe the transport of  oxygen from lungs to tissue cells
2.       Describe the transport of  oxygen in atmosphere to the tissue cells
3.       Describe the transport of carbon dioxide from tissue to lungs
4.       Describe chemical control of respiration  
5.       Describe chemical regulation of respiration
6.       Describe neural regulation of respiration  
7.       Describe the different types of hypoxias
8.       Name different volumes & capacities of lungs & describe how they are measured  
9.       Describe different volumes & capacities of lungs & their physiological significance
10.   Enumerate different pulmonary function tests & describe how functional residual; volume is measured
11.   What is acclimatisation? Discussion its effects on body.  
12.   Describe  the structure of respiratory membrane.  Describe the process of  change  of gases through it.

Short Notes

1. Bhor's effect                                                 
2. Lung capacities                   
3. Surfactant 
4. Alveolar air                      
5. Acclimatisation   
6. Asphyxia            
7. Cyanosis 
8. Halden effect
9. Respiratory membrane
10. Transport of carbon dioxide   
11.   Oxygen dissociation curve
12.   Lung volumes & capacities                 
13.   Functional residual capacity              
14.   Herring Bruer reflex
15.   Timed vital capacity
16.   Vital capacity
17.   Compliance of lung
18.   Dead space air

Endocrine System

Long Questions

1.       Enumerate the hormones  secreted by anterior pituitary &  describe how their secretions are regulated
2.       Enumerate the hormones  secreted by anterior pituitary &  describe functions of growth hormone
3.       Describe physiology of growth hormone
4.       Describe physiology of posterior pituitary hormones
5.       Describe synthesis, functions of posterior pituitary hormones.
6.       Describe  synthesis, function, & regulations of thyroxin  
7.       Describe how blood calcium level is regulated
8.       Describe role of parathyroid hormone in regulating serum calcium levels.
9.       Describe structure & functions of adrenal medulla
10.   Name  hormones secreted by adrenal cortex & explain how aldosterone secretion is regulated. Enumerate its functions
11.   Name hormones saturated by adrenal cortex.  Describe functions & metabolic action of gluco-corticoids  
12.   Describe the actions of gluco-corticoids on body & describe the regulation of gluco corticoids secretion
13.   Describe the physiology  of oestrogens
14.   Describe the physiology of menstrual cycle  
15.   Describe the various phases of menstrual cycle & their hormonal regulation
16.   Describe the physiology of lactation
17.   Describe the role of placenta during pregnancy
18.   Enumerate various pregnancy tests. Describe in detail the immunological test
19.   Describe the process of spermatogenesis & its control
20.   Describe the functions of testosterone & explain how its secretion is regulated   

Short Notes.

1. Thyroxin                                   

2. Growth hormone                                 

3. A D H                                   

4. Glycogen                                   

5. Parathormone                                   

6. Ovulation                                   

7. Oxytocin

8. Myxoedema

9. Aldosterone

10.   Pregnancy test               
11.   Hormones of post pituitary   
12.   Blood Glucose level         
13.   Menstrual cycle
14.   Functions of placenta       
15.   Spermatogenesis
16.   Lactation
17.   Puberty                   
18.   Acromegaly
19.  Gigantism  

Special senses
Long Questions

1.       Describe the physiology of colour vision  
2.       Describe the trichromatic theory of colour  vision & explain colour blindness
3.       Describe Photochemistry of vision
4.       Describe  the visual pathway.  Explain the effects of damage at various  levels
5.       What is accommodation? Describe the mechanism of accommodation for near & far vision.  Mention the pathway of accommodation 
6.       Enumerate different errors of refraction.  Describe them in detail with their  methods of correction.
7.       Describe the structure & functions of cochlea
8.       Describe the structure & functions of organ of Corti
9.       Describe the structure & functions of vestibular apparatus
10.   Describe the role of middle ear & internal ear in hearing
11.   What is conduction & nerve deafness.  Describe the methods used to differentiate them
12.   Explain theories of frequency analysis
13.   Describe the auditory pathway.  What are its peculiarities   

Short Notes.

1.       Hypermetropia              
2.       Myopia               
3.       Night blindness                   
4.       Colour vision                  
5.       Auditory pathway                  
6.       Pathway of smell                  
7.       Conduction deafness               
8.       Light reflex                    
9.       Accommodation reflex              
10.   Papillary reflex
11.   Triple response                   
12.   Errors of refraction   
13.Middle ear deafness
14.   Cochlear microphonic potential  
15.   Taste sensation
16.   Acqueous humour
17.   Dark adaptation
18.   Olfactory pathway
19.   Vestibular pathway                       
20.   Functions of urticle                  
21.   Functions  of middle ear                               
22.   Deafness


Long Questions

1.       Describe the chemical changes during mechanical activity of skeletal muscle
2.       Describe the electromicroscopic structure of sarcomere & explain the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction
3.       Describe the structure of functions of muscle spindle
4.       Describe various mechanisms of heat gain & heat loss of the body & how temperature is regulated
5.  Describe the mechanism of regulation of body temperature with special reference to role of skin

Short Notes

1.       Muscle spindle                    
2.       Muscle tetanus                      
3.       Tetany                            
4.       Fatigue
5.       Fever                               
6.       Sweating                            
7.       Shivering                           
8.       Functions of skin                   
9.       Sarcomere  
10.  Structure of sarcomere
11.   Hypothalamic thermostat              
12.   Thermostatic center                 
13.   Thermal change during skeletal muscle contraction  
14.   Mechanism of heat gain by body    
15.   Factors affecting tension development in skeletal muscle
16.  Excitation contraction coupling  
17.   Tetanic contraction of muscle                  
18.   Tetanus in skeletal muscle
19.   Role of Ca in  muscle contraction         
20.   Staircase phenomena in skeletal muscle     
21.   Isotonic & isometric contraction               
22.   Strength duration curve
23.   Structure & functions of skin
24.   Properties of skeletal muscle
25.   Sweat glands  
26. Thermoregulation by skin  
27.Ratchet theory of muscle contraction

Urinary System 
Long Questions

1.       Describe the renal mechanism of regulation of water & electrolytes
2.       Describe the role of kidney in regulation of electrolytes & water balance in the body
3.       Name renal functions tests.  Describe various plasma clearance tests  Explain in details any one clearance test
4.       What is G.F.R. What are the different factors affecting it. How is it measured
5.       Describe mechanism of concentration & dilution of urine
6.       Describe the structure & function of nephron.
7.       Draw & describe parts of nephron. Briefly explain the functions of loop of Henle
8.       Explain the functions of the proximal tubule of nephron
9.       Describe the formation of urine  
10.   Describe how renal  circulation help kidneys to perform their function
11.   Describe the role of kidney in regulation of acid-base balance  
12.   Describe the acid-base balance & its regulation  
13. Describe the process of filling & emptying of urinary bladder

Short Notes

1.     Chloride shift                        
2.     Renin                                
3.       G.F.R.                             
4.       Counter current mechanism
5.       Emptying of urinary bladder          
6.       Cystometrogram
7.       Obligatory urine volume
8.       Juxta-glomerular apparatus
9.       Distal convoluted tubule  
10.  Micturation
11.   Insulin clearance test
12.   Urea  clearance test
13.   P.A.H clearance test                            
14.   Peculiarities of renal circulation          
15.   Auto regulation of renal blood flow
16.   Renal regulation of blood pressure          
17.   Action of ADH of renal tubules
18.  Functions of proximal convoluted tubules

G. I. T.
Full Questions

1.       Describe composition, functions & regulation of pancreatic juice   
2.       Describe composition, functions & regulation of gastric juice
3.       Describe composition, functions & regulation o& mechanism of salivary secretion
4.       Name different constituents of succus entericus.  Describe the secretion, regulation, & functions of each constituent.
5.       Give an account of composition, formation, & functions of bile
6.       Enumerate the liver function tests.  Describe the functions of bile salts   
7.       Name the G.I.T. Hormones & describe their functions
8.       Describe functions of stomach.
9.       Describe process of deglutination
10.   Describe process of emptying of stomach
11.   Describe the different movements of small intestine

Long Questions

1.       Classify proteins. Describe its digestion & absorption in G.I.T.
2.       Classify fats. Describe its digestion & absorption in G.I.T.
3.       Classify carbohydrates  Describe its digestion & absorption in G.I.T.
4.       Classify proteins & give the physiological role of essential amino acids in body
5.       Describe digestion, absorption, &  metabolism of fats
6.       What are lipids? Classify them & describe how they are digested & absorbed in body
7.       What is balanced diet? Describe how balanced diet for adult pregnant lady is calculated
8.       Prescribe a balanced diet for an adult female
9.       Describe how balanced diet for a medical college student is calculated
10.   Describe the principles of prescribing a balanced diet. Prescribe a suitable diet for a lactating mother  
11.   Describe the glycolytic pathway
12.   What is B.M.R? How is measured? Describe the factors affecting it
13.   Describe how blood glucose level is regulated in the body  
14.   Describe metabolic actions of insulin. Describe regulation of insulin secretion 091
15.   Enumerate sources of iron. Describe the functions of iron in the body. Briefly explain how iron is absorbed & stored in the body.
16.   Describe T C A cycle  & give its significance  
17.   Classify vitamins. Give the sources, daily requirements & physiological importance of each vitamin
18.   Enumerate fat soluble vitamins & describe the detail vitamin A that Prevents night blindness
19.   Enumerate water soluble vitamins. Give their sources, physiology functions, effects of deficiency of them
20.   Give the sources physiological role and daily requirement of vitamin A
21.   Give the sources physiological role and daily requirement of vitamin B complex
22.   Give the sources physiological role and daily requirement of vitamin D  
23.  Describe the beta-oxidation of palmitic acid in detail.

Short Notes

1.       Vitamin A
2.       Vitamin C
3.       Vitamin B12                      
4.       Vitamin B3                         
5.       Thiamine                         
6.       Niacin
7.       Trypsinogen                        
8.       Gastrin Secretion
9.       Defecation
10.   Rhodopsin cycle                    
11.   Glycogenolysis                     
12.   Pancreatic juice                
13.   Pancreatic enzymes                 
14.   B.M.R                              
15.   Enterokinase
16.   Cholecystokinin                 
17.   T.C.A. Cycle                     
18.   Kreb's Cycle
19.   Insulin                            
20.   Isoenzymes
21.   Iron absorption
22.   Iron metabolism                    
23.   Bile salts                         
24.   Deglutition
25.   D.N.A.               
26.   Active transport
27.   Na Co-transport                 
28.   R.N.A.
29.   Lactic dehydrogenase
30.   Functions of large intestine
31.   Entero-hepatic circulation of bile salts    
32.   Factors affecting enzyme activity
33. Vitamin D  
34.   Deglutition reflex                               
35.   Absorption of amino acids                        
36.   Essential amino acids                         
37.   Facilitated amino acids                          
38.   Essential fatty acids
39.   Gastro colic reflex                              
40.   Enterogastric reflex                        
41.   Regulation of salivary secretion                 
42.   Role of calcium in body
43.   Absorption of fats
44.   Succus entericus                           
45.   Liver function tests                             
46.   Glucose tolerance test
47.   Hormones of G.I.T                                
48.   Glycolytic pathways
49.   Functions of gastric juice
50.   Gastric analysis
51.   Absorption of carbohydrates
52.   Movements of large intestine                  
53.   Simple diffusion
54.   Facilitated diffusion                      
55.   Beta oxidation of fats                 
56.   Embeden Meyeroff's Pathway
57.   Pauvolv's pouch                                  
58.   A.T.P.
59.   Functions  of saliva
60.   Cyclical A.M.P.
61.   Movements of small intestine
62.   Role of Vitamin A in vision

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