Homeopathic Pharmacy Syllabus

Homoeopathic Pharmacy Syllabus

New Syllabus- since 2015

Instruction in Homeopathic Pharmacy shall be so planned as to present –

1. Importance of Homoeopathic Pharmacy in relation to  study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Organon of Medicine and National Economy as well as Growth of Homoeopathic Pharmacy & Research. 

2. Originality and speciality of Homoeopathic Pharmacy and its relation to Pharmacy of other recognized systems of medicine. 

3. The areas of teaching shall encompass the entire subject but stress shall be laid on the fundamental topics that form the basis of Homoeopathy. 

A. Theory

1) History of Pharmacy with emphasis on emergence of Homoeopathic Pharmacy.
2) Official Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (Germany, Britain, U.S.A., India).
4) Important terminologies like scientific names, common names, synonyms.
5) Definitions in Homoeopathic Pharmacy.
6) Components of Pharmacy.
7) Weights and Measurements.
8) Nomenclature of Homoeopathic Drugs with their Anomalies

II. Raw Material – Drugs and Vehicles –
1. Sources of Drugs (Taxonomic classification, with reference to utility).
2. Collection of Drug substances.
3. Vehicles.
4. Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Instruments & Appliances.  

III) Homoeopathic Pharmaceutics

1. Mother Tincture and its preparation – old and new methods.
2. Various scales used in Homoeopathic Pharmacy.
3. Drug Dynamization / potentisation
4. External applications (focus on scope of Homoeopathic lotions,
                   glycerol, liniment and ointment).
5. Doctrine of signature.
6. Posology (focus on basic principles; related aphorisms).
7. Prescription (including abbreviations).
8. Concept of placebo.
9. Pharmaconomy – routes of Homoeopathic drug administration.
10. Dispensing of medicines.
11. Basics of Adverse Drug reaction and Pharmaco-vigilance  

IV) Pharmacodynamics -

1. Homoeopathic Pharmacodynamics.
2. Drug Proving (aphorisms 105 – 145 of Organon of Medicine) and merits and
                  de-merits of Drug proving on Humans and Animals

3. Pharmacological study of drugs listed in Appendix-A.

V.) Quality Control -

1. Standardization of Homoeopathic Medicine - raw material and finished products.
2. Good Manufacturing Practices and Industrial Pharmacy.
3. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory – Functions and activities relating to
                     Quality control of Drugs.

VI.) Legislations Pertaining to Homoeopathic Pharmacy (as amended from time to time) -

1. Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940 ) { in relation to Homoeopathy};
2. Drugs and Cosmetic Rules 1945 {in relation to Homoeopathy}.
3. Poisons Act, 1919 (12 of 1919);
4. The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985.(61 of 1985);
5. Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act , 1954 (21 of 1954)
6. Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act , 1955(16 of 1955).

B.Practical ;


1. Estimation of size of globules.
2. Medication of globules and preparation of doses with sugar of milk and distilled Water.
3. Purity test of sugar of milk, distilled water and ethyl alcohol.
4. Determination of specific gravity of distilled water and ethyl alcohol.
5. Preparation of dispensing alcohol and dilute alcohol from strong alcohol.
6. Trituration of one drug each in Decimal and Centesimal scale .
7. Succussion in decimal scale from Mother Tincture to 6X.
8. Succussion in centesimal scale from Mother Tincture to 3C.
9. Conversion of Trituration to liquid potency: Decimal scale 6X to 8X.
10. Conversion of Trituration to liquid potency: Centesimal scale 3C to 4C.
11. Preparation of 0/1 potency (LM scale) of 1 Drug.
12. Preparation of external applications – lotion, glycerol, liniment, ointment. .
13. Laboratory methods – sublimation, distillation, decantation, filtration, crystallization,
14. Writing of prescription.
15. Dispensing of Medicines.
16. Process of taking minims.
17. Identification of drugs (listed in Appendix-B) – i) Macroscopic and Microscopic
           Characteristic of drug substances – minimum 05 drugs ii) Microscopic study of
            trituration of two drugs up to 3x potency).
18. Estimation of moisture content using water bath.
19. Preparation of mother tinctures – Maceration and Percolation
20. Collection of 30 drugs for Herbarium.
21. Visit to Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia laboratory and visit to a large scale
          Manufacturing Unit of Homoeopathic Medicines (GMP compliant) (students shall keep
          detailed visit reports as per proforma at Appendix-“B”).  

C. Demonstration

1. General instructions for practical or clinical in Pharmacy.
2. Identification and use of Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical instruments and appliances
              and their cleaning. .
3. Estimation of moisture content using water bath.
4. Preparation of Mother Tincture – Maceration and Percolation.  

 List of Drugs included in the Syllabus of Pharmacy for study of Pharmacological action (30)
1.   Aconitnum napellus  
2.   Adonis vernalis
3.   Allium cepa
4.   Argentum nitricum
5.   Arsenicum album  
6.   Atropa Belladonna
7.   Cactus Grandiflorus
8.   Cantharis vesicatoria
9.   Cannabis indica
10. Cannabis sativa
11. Cinchonna officinalis   
12.  Coffea cruda  
13. Crataegus oxyacantha
14. Crotalus horridus  
15. Gelsemium sempervirens  
16. Glonoinum
17. Hydrastis Canadensis  
18. Hyoscyamus niger
19. Kali bichromicum  
20. Lachesis
21. Lithium carbonicum  
22. Mercurius  corrosivus
23. Naja tripudians
24. Nitricum acidum  
25. Nux vomica
26. Passiflora incarnata
27. Stannum metallicum  
28. Stramonium
29. Symphytum officinale  
30. Tabacum


1.   Aegle folia
2.   Anacardium orientale
3.   Andrographis  paniculata
4.   Calendula officinalis  
5.   Cassia sophera
6.   Cinchonna officinalis  
7.   Cocculus indicus
8.   Coffea cruda
9.   Colocynthis  
10. Crocus sativa
11. Croton tiglium  
12. Cynodon dactylon
13. Ficus religiosa
14. Holarrhena antidysenterica
15. Hydrocotyle asiatica  
16. Justicia adhatoda
17. Lobelia inflata
18. Nux vomica
19. Ocimum sanctum  
20. Opium
21. Rauwolfia serpentina
22. Rheum
23. Saraca indica
24. Senna
25. Stramonium  
26. Vinca minor

1.   Acetic acidum
2.   Alumina
3.   Argentum metallicum
4.   Argentum nitricum
5.   Arsenicum  album
6.   Calcarea carbonicum
7.   Carbo vegetabilis.
8.   Graphites
9.   Magnesium phosphoricum  
10. Natrum muriaticum  
11. Sulphur

1. Apis  mellifica
2. Blatta orientalis
3. Formica rufa
4. Sepia
5. Tarentula cubensis

1.  Each student shall maintain practical or clinical recordor  journal and herbarium file separately.
2.  College Authority shall facilitate the students in maintaining record as per Annexure-C.
1.  Theory
1.1  Number of Papers – 01
1.2  Marks: 100

2.  Practical including viva voice or oral
2.1  Marks: 100

Distribution of marks
Maintenance of practical Records of journal
Maintenance of Herbarium Record
Viva Voice (oral)

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