Practice of medicine Paper III (4th BHMS)

Practice of medicine (Paper- 3)
Question Bank

Final BHMS

Q.1. Write short answers (Write any ten out of fifteen) 10x 2=20

  1. Name two drugs for angina
  2. Define medicine
  3. Define Viral Hepatitis
  4. portal hypertension – write 2 indications
  5. Urinary tract infection – name 2 drugs
  6. 2 drugs
  7. epilepsy.-name 2 drugs
  8. Obesity –define and name one drug
  9. Amoebic Liver Abscess. -Name one drug
  10. Urinary tract infection.define and name one drug for it
  11. meningitis. Define and give two indication
  12. Typhoid two drugs
  13. Vitiligo - name one drug

Name 2 drugs for each condition:
  1. Bacillary Dysentery
  2. Bronchial asthma
  3. Portal hypertension
  4. C. C. F.
  5. Hodgkin's disease
  6. Rheumatoid arthritis
  7. Nephritis
  8. Haematuria
  9. Filariasis
  10. Impotency
  11. Pneumonia
  12. Cardiac dropsy
  13. Rheumatic fever
  14. Gonococcal urethritis
  15. Anorexia
  16. Leukemia
  17. Eczema
  18. Tetanus
  19. Ascites

Define and indicate one drug for the following
  1. Acne
  2. Urticaria
  3. Eczema
  4. Vitiligo
  5. Ringworm
  6. Psoriasis
  7. Fever
  8. Measles
  9. Warts
  10. Chicken Pox
  11. Dermatitis
  12. Diphtheria
  13. Mumps:
  14. Kala Azar
  15. Gout : Rheumatoid Arthritis :
  16. Anorexia :
  17. Gastroenteritis :
  18. Cholera : Šhepatitis :
  19. Roundworm Infestation :
  20. Dentition Diarrhoea :
  21. Dysentery :
  22. Angina :
  23. Hypertension:
  24. Pleural Effusion:
  25. Bronchial Asthma:
  26. Allergic Rhinitis :
  27. Tubercular Laryngitis
  28. Hoarseness Of Voice:
  29. IntraCranial Haemorrhage/
  30. Stroke:
  31. Paralysis : Epilepsy :
  32. Paralysis Agitans:
  33. Cerebral Vomiting:
  34. Migraine :
  35. Mania :
  36. Neurosis :
  37. Anxiety Hysteria:
  38. Haematuria:
  39. Retention Of Urine :
  40. U.T.Infections :
  41. Renal Disorders :
  42. Obesity :
  43. Diabetes :
  44. Influenza :
  45. Malaria :
  46. Spleen Disorder :
  47. Haemorrhage:
  48. Gangrene:
  49. Thrombophlebitis
  50. Anaemia:


  1. Defined Angina pectoris
  2. Name two causative organisms of Pyelonephritis
  3. heart failure.
  4. Recurrent abscess.
  5. cardiomegaly
  6. C.C.F.
  7. Pericarditis Hypotension.
  8. rheumatoid arthritis.
  9. Encephalitis
  10. Mitral stenosis.
  11. Osteoarthritis.
  12. RT.heart failure.
  13. Causes of Recurrent UTI
  14. Causes of Psoriasis
  15. Glomerulonephritis
  16. Schizophrenia Endocarditis
  17. Pyelonephritis
  18. Gout
  19. hypotension
  20. Psoriasis
  21. Parkinson’s disease
  22. Cystitis.
  23. chronic nephritis
  24. Myocarditis
  25. Shock hepatomegaly
  26. cardiomegaly
  27. hematemesis.
  28. Hemoptysis.
  29. Thrombosis
  30. Hydrocephalus
  31. Alzheimer's disease
  32. Myasthenia gravis
  33. cerebral palsy
  34. What is osteoporosis
  35. What is Scoliosis
  36. Osteomyelitis
  37. Rickets Bone fracture
  38. Polycystic kidney disease
  39. Causes of hypertension with 2 drugs
  40. Hypertension
  41. Defined Eczema
  42. Give signs of Psoriasis
  43. What is Herpes Zoster
  44. Signs of Hepatomegaly
  45. Signs of Splenomegaly
  46. Causes of jaundice
  47. Paranoid schizophrenia
  48. Signs of Bell’s palsy
  49. Jones criteria Causes of cardiomegaly
  50. Causes of Atrial fibrillation
  51. Causes of cardiac arrest
  52. Causes of Acne vulgaris
  53. Tuberculin test
  54. Causes of Iron deficiency anemia
  55. Diagnosis of Gout
  56. Causes Scurvy
  57. Causes of tetany
  58. Causes of cyanosis
  59. Causes of Beri- beri
  60. E.S.R.
  61. Causes of proteinuria
  62. Vitiligo
  63. Dementia
  64. Causes of Shock
  65. Causes of Alopecia

Q 2 ]Write short answer any four out of six ? 4X5 20

  1. Eczema .
  2. Rheumatic fever
  3. Urethritis
  4. Cystitis
  5. Renal calculi
  6. Leukemia
  7. Gonorrhoea
  8. Syphilis
  9. D/d edema
  10. Diagnostic signs of meningitis
  11. Obesity Stroke
  12. Proteinuria
  13. Atrial Fibrillation
  14. Tetany
  15. Dementia
  16. Hysteria
  17. Bell’s palsy
  18. C.S.F.Examination
  19. Petit Mal
  20. Epilepsy
  21. Status Epilepticus
  22. Alzheimer’s disease
  23. Convulsions in Children
  24. Anxiety neurosis
  25. Cardiomyopathy
  26. Cardiac arrest
  27. Herpes zoster
  28. Psoriasis
  29. Acne vulgaris
  30. Gout
  31. Osteoarthritis
  32. Osteoporosis
  33. Osteomalacia
  34. Scurvy
  35. Rickets
  36. Kwashiorkor
  37. D/d of Cyanosis
  38. D/d of Hematuria
  39. Urticaria
  40. Ringworm
  41. Warts
  42. Rheumatoid arthritis
  43. Gout
  44. Angina
  45. Hypertension
  46. Epilepsy
  47. Paralysis Agitans
  48. Migraine
  49. Mania
  50. Hematuria
  51. Anaemia

Q 3 . SAQ . Describe One Homoeopathic Drug For The Following Condition
  1. Schizophrenia
  2. Paranoid Schizophrenia
  3. Tetany
  4. Meningococcal Meningitis
  5. Dementia
  6. Hysteria
  7. Bell’s Palsy
  8. C.S.F. Examination
  9. Petit mal
  10. Status Epilepticus
  11. Alzheimer’s disease
  12. Convulsions in Children
  13. Anxiety neurosis
  14. Wernicke-korsakoff syndrome
  15. Cardiomyopathy
  16. Atrial Fibrillation
  17. Cardiac arrest
  18. Auricular Fibrillation
  19. Transient ischaemic attack

1. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, complications, diagnosis and general
management of Lobar Pneumonia. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail

2. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, complications and diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma
With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
3. Discuss aetiology, investigation, management and complications of Pneumonias. With 3
homoeopathic drugs in detail

4. Define Chronic Bronchitis and discuss pathophysiology, contributory factors, clinical
presentation, and management of Chronic Bronchitis. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail

5. Discuss the differential diagnosis of acute breathlessness and chest pain (right side) in
patient aged 30 years. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail

6. Discuss Miliary mottling on an X-ray chest.
7. Discuss the differential diagnosis of pleural effusion. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in
8. Discuss causes, manifestations diagnosis of acute respiratory failure. With 3
homoeopathic drugs in detail
9. Discuss left ventricular failure With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
10. Discuss Acute Infective endocarditis With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
11. Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, complications and diagnosis of Acute
Myocardial Infarction With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
12. Discuss JVP in health and disease. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
13. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, investigations and complications of
hypertensions. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
14. A middle-aged male present with acute chest pain. Discuss differential diagnosis and
acute management. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
15. Discuss the causes, manifestations, diagnosis and general management of congestive
heart failure. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
16. Discuss congestive cardiac failure. With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
17. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, complications and diagnosis of acute pericarditis.
With 3 homoeopathic drugs in detail
18. Discuss Pericarditis.
19. Discuss the differential diagnosis in a patient who has chronic symptoms of abdominal
pain, fever and diarrhoea.
20. Discuss the differential diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
21. Discuss Amoebic Liver Abscess.
22. Discuss the Liver function tests and their application in the diagnosis of various liver
23. Discuss Hepatitis `B’ and its complications.
24. Discuss Viral Hepatitis
25. Discuss the aetiology, manifestations and complications of portal hypertension
26. A middle-aged male presents with a massive bout of haematemesis. Discuss the various
possibilities, outline the basic management.
27. Discuss physiology of protein absorption and protein losing enteropathies.
28. Discuss Nephrotic Syndrome
29. Discuss kidney stones
30. Discuss Acute Pyelonephritis
31. Discuss Urinary tract infection.
32. Discuss the differential diagnosis of Haematuria.
33. Discuss acute renal failure and its management.
34. Discuss the causes, clinical features and diagnosis of Acute Cerebrovascular Stroke. 35. Discuss Neurological Disorders due to Nutritional difficulties.
36. Discuss differential diagnosis of Ataxia.
37. Discus connection of Basal Ganglia and describe pathophysiology, biochemical
mechanism and clinical presentation of Parkinson’s disease.
38. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, investigations and complications of pyogenic
39. Discuss causes, types, clinical features and investigations of epilepsy.
40. Discuss involuntary movement.
41. Discuss the differential diagnosis of acute paraplegias.
42. Discuss the differential diagnosis of Paraplegias.
43. Discuss meningococcal meningitis.
44. Discuss the aetiology, clinical features, complications and diagnosis of Typhoid fever.
45. Discuss mechanism of formation and circulation of Thyroid Hormones and discuss
46. Discuss the Thyroid function tests in brief. Describe the causes and clinical features of
47. Discuss the investigations in a case of Thyroid disorder.
48. Discuss Hypothyroidism in brief.
49. Discuss Obesity with a special reference to Endocrine causes.
50. Discuss Rheumatoid arthritis and its systematic effects.
51. Discuss Polyarthritis.
52. Discuss the differential diagnosis of Polyarthritis in a 60 year old patient.
53. Discuss Nutritional Anemias.
54. Discuss Bleeding disorders.
55. Discuss Hodgkin’s disease.
56. Discuss investigations hematological picture, manifestations in acute Leukaemias
57] Discuss Homoeopathic management of Bronchial Asthma. Describe leading features of Thuja and Medorrhinum above condition.
58] How will you manage a case of “Status asthmaticus” with Homoeopathic drugs and mother tinctures? What drugs you will suggest as inter current treatment and why?

59] Discuss signs, symptoms, and diagnosis of Sinusitis. Describe in detail indications of Kali bich and Silicea in Sinusitis.
60]How will you manage a case of pulmonary cavity with Homoeopathic drugs.
61]Describe in brief aetiology, signs and symptoms of Bronchial Asthma. Mention Homoeopathic drugs with their leading indications.
62] How will you manage a chronic case of bronchitis using acute and constitutional homoeopathic drugs?
63] How will you manage a case of Broncho-pneumonia using acute and constitutional homoeopathic drugs?
64] What are the causes and complication of Hypertension? Describe its management with – Baryta Mur, Digi, Aur Met, Lach
65] How will you manage a case of Myocardial infarction? Give four leading indications of any four Homoeopathic Drugs

66] Discuss the risk factors, clinical features, complications, diagnosis and homoeopathic treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction.
67] Discuss clinical features, complications, diagnosis and homoeopathic treatment of hypertension.
68] Discuss Rheumatic fever. Give only four characteristic symptoms of any four indicated remedies.
69] Give definition, signs and symptoms and homoeopathic treatment of `Eczema’.

70] Give signs, symptoms, differential diagnosis and homeopathic treatment of Psoriasis.
71] What is Herpes? Discuss the Homoeopathic management of herpes zoster.
72]Discuss the signs and symptoms, complications and homoeopathic management of Peptic Ulcers.

73]Give signs, symptoms and complications of hepatosplenomegaly.Discuss the role of homoeopathic medicines. (Three drugs)
74] Discuss and describe the Homoeopathic management of gastroenteritis.
75] Discuss Jaundice. Give only four leading symptoms of four indicated homoeopathic drugs.

76] Differentiate between Amoebic and Bacillary dysentery. Mention three drugs for each condition with their leading indications & what mother tinctures and intercurrents you will suggest for these conditions and why?
77] Describe the personalities which are prone to suffer `Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ and explain in detail Nux-Vomica personality for the above condition.

78] How will you manage a chronic case of Atonic Constipation?
79] Give signs, symptoms, differential diagnosis, investigations and homoeopathic management of Amoebic dysentery.

80] Describe chronic Urinary tract infection and give characteristic indications of Lycopodium, Canth, Can I, Sarsaparilla.
81] Describe in brief uremia and its complications. Give Homoeopathic therapeutics

1 comment:

  1. Can you please provide me 4th bhms (2015) examination questions paper
