Final BHMS

Q1.      SAQs  2 Marks

1              What is Organon of medicine
2              What is mission of physician?
3              What is highest ideal of cure?
4              Who is unprejudiced observer?
5              Define organon and homoeopathic philosophy.
6              What is vital force?
7              Define sign and symptom?
8              Who write and translates sixth edition of organon  of medicine?
9              What is primary action and secondary action of medicine?
10           What is sick?
11           What is susceptibility?
12           What is indisposition?
13           What is materia precans?
14           What is case taking?
15           What is drug proving? 
16           What is Idiosyncrasy?
17           What is drug and remedy?
18           What is health?
19           What is disease?
20           What is cure?
21           What is homoeopathic specific remedy? 
22           Explain aphorism one.
23           Differentiate between primary & secondary action
24           What is Cure & recovery?
25           Natures law of cure                
26           What is Accessory symptom.
27           Define Mental Symptoms.
28            What are intermittent disease?     
29           What is SECOND PRESCRIPTION.
30           What is mesmerism?
31           What is aggravation?
32           write difference between organon and philosophy.
33           write any two contributions of dr.kent.
34           what is miasm.  
35           what is sick?         
36           What is natures law of cure  
37           Mission of physician 
38           Write any two contributions of dr. herings.        
39           What is perception.        
40            What is constitution?          
41            Epidemic diseases.            
42           Aude sepere.       
43            Drug and remedy.          
44           Simple substance.      
45           Causa occasinalis.      
46           Who write and translates organon. 
47           Define Key note symptom.                                                      
48           What is Materia pecans?
49           Define Primary & secondary action.                                     
50           Define Health.
51           Homoeopathic Specific remedy.                                         
52           Idiosyncrasy
53           Define Hering's law of cure                                                    
54            Define Acute diseases               
55           Differentiate Cure & recovery                                              
56           Define chronic diseases.          
57           What is indisposition?                                                           
58           Define Mental Symptoms               
59           Who is The Best Prover                                                            
60           Define particular symptom.   
61           What is mongrel sect?

Q2,& 3      SAQs  5 Marks

1              Dr. Hahnemann's literary work 
2              Discovery of homoeopathy.                    
3              History of homoeopathy in india.
4              Susceptibility        
5              Immunity 
6              Vital reaction.
7              Antipathy
8              suppression 
9              Palliation
10           Classification of symptom         
11           Isopathy 
12           sources of symptomatology. 
13           Simple substance
14           Tubercular miasm.                 
15           Posology.
16           Genus epidemicus.        
17           Tolle Causm  
18           Pandemic diseases.
19           Ideal cure                       
20           Temperament
21           Diathesis
22           Theoretic medicine                 
23           What are obstacles to cure?
24           Individualisation.
25           Unprejudiced observer.
26           Mission of physician.
27           Restoration of health.
28           Indisposition.
29           local disease.
30           Mesmerism.
31           knowledge of disease.
32           Treatment of mental disease.
33           surgical disease.
34           Aude sapere.
35           Logic
36           Childhood of Hahnemann.
37           psora
38           syphilis
39           Sycosis.
40           Physical general symptoms.
41           Medicinal  aggravation.
42           Disease aggravation.

Q4   LAQs  10  Marks

1 Write in detail about totality of symptoms.
2 What are advantages and disadvantages of Homoeopathy
3 Prophylaxis and homoeopathy.
4 Describe childhood of Dr. S. Hahnemann
5 Explain how Homoeopathy is art and science? B What are scopes and limitations of homoeopathy?

6 What is aggravation? Describe in brief various types of aggravation.   
7 Discuss in detail instructions given in organon about Diet & Regimen in the management of sickness  

8 What are basic principles of homoeopathy system of medicine.
9 Explain the concept of vital force.  Discuss its role in heath, disease & cure
10 Write in detail history of medicine in india?
11 Why Hahnemann was not satisfied with systems of his era?
12 Differentiate between primary & secondary action Explain giving examples
13 Why homoeopathy is called as art and science?
14 What are scopes and limitations of Homoeopathy?
15 Explain in detail art of case taking?
16 write an essay on case taking?
17 Explain in detail remedy reaction?
18 Explain in brief concept of acute & chronic miasms
19 Describe in brief outstanding features of `Latent Psora'
20 Explain in detail Isopathic & Antipathic mode of treatment.
21 Describe the `Modus Operandi' of homoeopathic cure
22 The foundation of homoeopathy is based on laws of nature' Discuss
23 Discus dynamic, wholistic & individual concept of sickness in homoeopathy.

Long Answer Question (Any One from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7)
(four parts of each question subject-wise, 04x05=20 Marks)
Q-5.Long Answer Question
a)Vital force                                         
b) Role in health                                 
c) Role in disease                               
d) Role in cure                                     
Q-6.Long Answer Question
a)What is symptomatology?          
b) General symptoms                       
c) common symptoms                     
d) Particular symptoms                   
Q-7.Long Answer Question
a)What are kents twelve observations
b)summary of 1-4.                             
c)summary of 5-8.                             
d)summary of 9-12                           
Q-5.Long Answer Question
a)Explain the theory of Miasm. 05
b)  Psora                                                05
c)  Sycosis                                             05
d)  syphilis.                                           05
Q-6.Long Answer Question
a)Define & Classify diseases         05
b)  Indisposition                                 05
c)  Dynamic                                          05
d)  surgical                                           05
Q-7.Long Answer Question
a) What are mental diseases       05
b)Types.                                                05
c)management.                                 05
d)General instructions.                   05
Q-5.Explain in detail logic of homoeopathy.

a)Exact observation.                05
b)correct interpretation.         05
c) Scientific approach.             05
d)Rational explanation.             05

Q-6.What are scopes and limitations of homoeopathy?
 a)what is homoeopathy             05
b) how it is different                    05
c)Scopes                                         05
d)Limitations                                  05

Q-7.Why homoeopathy is called as art and science.
a)what is science                          05
b)  How it differs from hypothesis   05
c)  Art                                05
d)  Science                         05

Q-5.  Explain in detail remedy reaction.
a)Concept of remedy reaction            05
b)  Hom. aggravation.                             05
c)  Disease aggravation                           05
d)Medicinal aggravation. 
Q-6. Explain in detail mental diseases.
a)Explanation.                       05
b)  Types.                                  05
c)  Hom. View                          05
d)Treatment part.                  05 Q-7. Q7. Explain theory of miasm.
a)  Psora            05
b)  Syphylis         05
c)  Sycosis             05
d)  Tubercular     05.

Q-6. Explain diet and regimen in different types of diseases.
a)       Acute disease          05
b)      Chronic disease       05
c)       Surgical disease      05
d)      General instruction  05

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