Full Questions

1.       Define Hypersensitivity. Discuss various types of hypersensitivity reactions giving examples.
2.       Discuss Etiology, Pathology and complications of Cirrhosis of Liver.
3.       Define repair. Discuss various factors modifying the process of repair.
4.       Define neoplasm. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of neoplasm
5.       Enumerate the organism  causing infective endocarditis. Describe the pathology and laboratory investigation of the same.
6.       What are the serological reactions. Discuss the importance of  serological  reaction  in diagnosis of various diseases.
7.       Describe  briefly aetiology,  pathology and laboratory investigation of RHEUMATIC FEVER
8.       Define  NEPHROTIC SYNDROME. Discuss the pathogenesis, pathology and laboratory investigation of nephrotic syndrome
9.       Enumerate Immune complex diseases with special reference to their pathogenic mechanism
10.   Enumerate the causes of ulcerative lesions in the intestinal tract. Discuss the pathogenesis pathology and laboratory investigations of gastric carcinoma.
11.   Define  and  differentiate  an exudate and transudate. Describe the cellular  response in acute Inflammation.
12.   What is neoplasm? Describe the modes of spread of a tumour. What is the difference between benign and malignant tumours?
13.   Nine years  old child coming with history of fever, puffiness of face and oedema feet. 
14.   Give possible differential diagnosis, with laboratory diagnosis and gross and  microscopic appearance.
15.   What is GRANULOMA?  Name some granulomas. Describe the pathogenesis, the gross and microscopic features of any one of them.
16.   What is thrombus. Discuss the mechanism of thrombus formation and its fate and sequelae.
Mention its common varieties.
17.   Enumerate  the  lesion in the diabetic Kidney and discuss the pathogenesis  pathology  and laboratory investigations of acute pyelonephritis.
18.   Define Oedema. Describe its mechanism of formation. Differentiate Nephritic Oedema  and Nephrotic Oedema.
19.   What is Glomerulonephritis? Discuss the pathogenesis, pathology and laboratory investigations.
20.   Define Immunity. What are the  various types of immune reactions and the diseases produced by them.
21.   Define  an  embolus. What are different types of emboli and discuss the fate  of  any  one embolus.
22.   Define shock. Discuss the pathogenesis and its effects on various organs.
23.   Define  Infarction.  Give  an  account of the pathogenesis  of  infarction with special reference of myocardial infarction.
24.   What  is pneumonia. Enumerate the different  types and discuss the pathology of any one of them.
25.   Define oedema. Describe the pathogenesis of oedema. Distinguish between a transudate and exudate.
26.   Define Degeneration  and Infiltration. Give an detail account of Amyloid degeneration.
27.   Describe aetiology, pathology, and laboratory investigation of Rheumatic  heart diseases.
28.   Define Hyperaemia. Describe the types and organ  changes in chronic passive congestion.
29.   Discuss the aetiology, pathology lesion and complication of atherosclerosis.
30.   Define  cirrhosis. Give the aetiopathogenesis of the lesion, the gross and microscopic features.
31.   What is inflammation. Describe the pathology of an inflammatory response and its sequelae.
32.   Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of cardiac and renal  oedema.
33.   Enumerate the common ulcers in the G.I.T. and discuss the pathology of the `PEPTIC ULCER'.
34.   Discuss the mechanism of autoimmune diseases with examples.
35.   Define Erosion and Ulcer. Discuss the pathogenesis,  gross and  microscopic appearance and laboratory investigation of ULCERATIVE COLITIS.
36.   Define  Fatty degeneration. Discuss the pathogenesis, gross and microscopic appearance  of organs showing fatty degeneration.
37.   What is Oedema. Discuss the pathogenesis of cardiac and renal oedema.

Short Notes

1.       Zenkers Hyaline Degeneration                 
2.       Amoebic Liver Abscess
3.       Post Necrotic Cirrhosis                      
4.       Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis
5.       Amyloid Kidney                               
6.       Special stains for amyloid
7.       Aspiration cytology                          
8.       Flea Bitten  Kidney
9.       Dermoid Cyst                                 
10.   Mucinous degeneration
11.   Spread of tumours.       
12.   C.P.C. Lung.               
13.   Caseous necrosis.
14.   Chemotaxis.              
15.   Fatty degeneration.        
16.   Osteogenic sarcoma.
17.   Caseous necrosis.        
18.   Ulcers on tongue.          
19.   Hyperthyroidism.
20.   Prostatitis.               
21.   Splenic Infarct           
22.   Chemical carcinogens
23.   Serum Enzymes in myocardial infarction    
24.   Arthus phenomenon.
28.   Exfoliative Cytology     
29.   Obstructive Jaundice       
30.   Pyogenic Osteomyelitis
31.   Lepromatous Leprosy      
32.   Cell mediated immunity     
33.   Macrophage
34.   Tuberculoma              
35.   Fat Necrosis               
36.   T. B. Pyelonephritis
37.   Gas gangrene             
38.   Leucoplakia                
39.   Pulmonary Embolism
40.   Dysplasia                
41.   Lymphatic permeation       
42.   Frozen  section
43.   Atrophy                  
44.   Carcinoma in situ          
45.   Giant cells tumour & bone
46.   Pap Smear                
47.   Basal cell carcinoma       
48.   Pale infarct
49.   Laboratory Diagnosis of Neoplasia.             
50.   Fine needle aspiration biopsy
51.   Chemical mediator of Inflammation.           
25. Syphilitic aortitis       26. Dystrophic calcification.  
27. Aneurysm

52.   Laboratory Investigation of infertility
53.   Laboratory investigations of infective hepatitis.   
54.   Rodent Ulcer.
55.   Gross appearance of liver fatty degeneration.    


Full Questions

1.       Enumerate the organisms causing food poisoning. Discuss the morphology cultural characteristic and pathogenesity of any one. Outline  the laboratory diagnosis.
2.       Enumerate the parasites seen in the peripheral blood smear. Write the morphology, pathogenesity and laboratory diagnosis of any one.
3.       Describe the morphology,  cultural characteristics, antigenecity in staphylococci. Enumerate the lesion produced and the laboratory diagnosis.
4.       What is a spirochaetes. Enumerate the Spirochaetes you know. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of syphilis.
5.       Enumerate the parasites infecting the central nervous system and discuss the life cycle and laboratory diagnosis of anyone.
6.       Describe the life cycle, pathogenecity and laboratory diagnosis of infestation due to ascaris lumbricoides.
7.       What is anaerobiasis. Describe the morphology, cultural characteristics, animal and human pathogenecity of any one anaerobic organism.
8.       Classify Haemolytic anaemias. Discuss the pathogenesis of  thalassaemias, and  differentiate between iron  deficiency and sideroblastic anaemia.
9.       What is the difference between VIRUS, PROTOZOA, and BACTERIA? Discuss the life  cycle  of TAENIA SAGINATA and differentiate between T. Saginata and T. Solium.
10.   Enumerate the PUS forming organisms. Discuss the morphology, cultural characteristics, antigenecity  pathogensis of any one of them.    
11.   Describe  the morphology pathogenecity and laboratory investigation of infestation due to W. BANCROFTI.
12.   Enumerate the extra intestinal parasites. Describe the life cycle of ankylostoma duodenale and differentiate it from nectar americana.
13.   Enumerate the Organisms causing diarrhoea. Describe the morphology, cultural characteristics, pathogenesis, antigenic composition of any one of them. 
14.   Enumerate the cause of ulcerative lesions in intestinal tract. Discuss how will you differentiate the lesions with their gross  and microscopic appearance.
15.   Classify  anaemias. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of Haemolytic anaemias. Describe  the blood picture of sickle cell anaemia.
16.   Enumerate the extra intestinal parasites. Describe the life cycle of ankylostoma duodenale and  differentiate it from nectar americana.
17.   Enumerate the Organisms causing meningitis. Describe the morphology, cultural characteristics,  antigen composition, pathogenesis of any one of them.
18.   Classify Leukaemias. Describe the blood picture and bone marrow in chronic myeloid leukaemia. Differentiate between acute myeloid and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
19.   Enumerate the organisms causing pneumonia. Describe morphology, cultural characteristics, antigenic composition and pathogenesity of any one of them.
20.   What is Haemophilia? Classify, describe the pathogenesis and laboratory investigations of haemophilia.
21.   Which parasites cause cystic lesions in humans. Describe Pathology and Laboratory diagnosis of Hydatid Cyst.
22.   Define Leukaemia. Discuss acute blast cell Leukaemia.
23.   What is symbiosis, definitive host, intermediate host? Discuss the pathogenesis and life cycle of E. Histolytica.
24.   Describe  the life cycle pathogenesity and laboratory diagnosis of infestation due  to  P.
25.   Describe the peripheral blood and bone  marrow picture of acute myeloid leukaemia.
26.   Describe the laboratory investigation to diagnose a case of Megaloblastic anaemia.
27.   Discuss the laboratory diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
28.   Define anaemia. Discuss nutritional anaemias.
29.   Investigate a case of mis-matched blood transfusion.
30.   Describe  morphology cultural characteristics Pathogenecity and laboratory investigation of GONOCOCCI.
31.   Enumerate the organism causing sexually transmitted  diseases. Discuss the morphology, cultural characteristics, pathology of Treponema Pallidium.
32.   Define Haemolytic Anaemia. Discuss the difference with respect to presentation, pathology and laboratory diagnosis of thalassaemia iron deficiency anaemia and sideroblastic anaemia.
33.   Discuss the preparation, sterilization and advantages of solid liquid and enriched media.
34.   Enumerate and discuss the various reaction which occurs during blood transfusion and mention the indication of blood transfusion. 
35.   Enumerate gram positive bacilli. Describe the Morphology, Cultural characters and laboratory diagnosis of C. diphtheriae.

Short Notes

1.       Hazards of blood transfusions
2.       A.I.D.S.                      
3.       Virus causing human cancer     
4.       Ketonuria
5.       Leukemoid reaction            
6.       Spores                         
7.       Ova in stools    
30.   .
31.   Widal test.                                  
32.   Endotoxin /Exotoxin.
33.   Complement.                                  
34.   Laboratory diagnosis of hydatid cyst
35.   Selective media                             
36.   Pregnancy Test
8.       Parasites found in blood      
9.       Haematuria.                    
10.   R A Factor
11.   Exfoliative cytology          
12.   Significance of specific gravity of urine.
13.   Atypical   
14.   Mycobacteria.      
15.   Bacteriod                      
16.   L.F.T. in obstructive jaundice
17.   Urine in acute pyelonephritis  
18.   T & B lymphocytes       
19. pyogenic meningitis 
20.   Criteria in selection of a blood donor       
21.   Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever 22. Laboratory diagnosis of iron deficiency.      
23.   Spores.
24.   Stool in acute amoebic dysentery.            
25.   Bacteriophage.
26.   Sterilisation by dry heat                   
27.   Laboratory diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome.
28.   Multiple Myeloma.                            
29.   Ovarian function test.                       

37.   Bone Marrow
38.   Hypersplenism.                              
39.   V.D.R.L.        
40.   Protienuria
41.   Laboratory diagnosis of acute diarrhoea    
42.   Foetal Hb
43.   Laboratory diagnosis of P. U. O.             
44.   Mantoux Test
45.   Serological tests for syphilis               
46.   Haemophilia.
47.   Antigen                                      
48.   Thyroid function test
49.   Laboratory investigation of DiabetesMellitus
50.   Hospital Infection                           
51.   Flagella
52.   Glucose Sterilization                        
53.   Metachromatic stains
54.   Thrombocyto penia                           
55.   Bacterial toxins


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