Physiology Paper I Question Bank 2,5,10,15 Marks

Here Important Question are given for study of Physiology Paper I

Physiology including Biochemistry Question bank 

                                                              (New pattern )

Q.1.Write appropriate answers (any ten out of fifteen)       10X2= 20 

System:- (Blood, CVS, Respiratory, Excretory System, Special Senses , Body temp, Skin, Physics.)

1. Write function of monocytes
2. Write two functions of blood.
3. Define erythropoiesis
4. What is haemolysis
5. What is ABO SYSTEM ?
6. Define Anaemia
7. What is Hemolytic anaemia
8. What is phagocytosis
9. Give two functions of platelets
10. Give full form for E.S.R.
11. What is first reaction in blood clotting?

12. Name coverings of heart
13. What is S.A. NODE?
14. What is A.V. node
15. Define cardiac cycle
16. Nature of Ist heart sound
17. What is cardiac murmur?
18. Define cardiac out put
19. What is E.C.G.?
20. What is significance of P.R. INTERVAL?
21. What is heart rate?

22. What is function of nasal cavity?
23 Two character tics of trachea
24. Give two functions of lungs
25. What is surfactant?
26. What is anatomical dead space
27. What is alveolar capacity
28. Diffusion
29. Bucket handle movement
30. What is cyanosis
31. Define respirations

32. Write two functions of kidney
33. What is Henley’s loop?
34. Why glucose is called threshold substances 35. Micturations
36. What is G.F.R.? 37. What is Erythropoietin?
 38. What is rennin angiotensin
39. Hydronephrosis
40. Normal capacity of urinary bladder
41. What is dehydration?

Special Senses 
42. Name the visual cells of retina
43. Name the chamber’s of eye- ball
44. Define myopia
45. What are accommodations?
46. What is dark adaptation?

Body temp & Regulations 
47. What is normal body temp write in Fahrenheit
48. What is B.M.R.?
49. Define hypothermia

 50. Name the layers of skin
51. Two function of skin Bio-Physics
52. What is Active-transport?
53. Define osmosis
54.What is chemotaxis

Q.2. System (write short answer) any four out of six                4X5=20

(Blood, cardio, Vascular, system, R.E. System, Lymph, Spleen.)

(Blood, cardio, Vascular, system, R.E. System, Lymph, Spleen.)


1.     Name the plasma proteins write their important functions 
2.     Name the functions of blood 
3.     What is polycythemia, Explain various types 
4.     What are abnormal hemoglobin’s write any two
5.     What are immunoglobulin’s  write their functions
6.     Write phagocytic phenomenon with figure
7.     Give composition, formation and functions of lymph,
8.     What is co-agulations write importance of co-agulations
9.     Immune Response
10.  Importance of blood transfusion 

11.  Properties of cardiac muscles
12.  Electrical stimulations of heart
13.  Factors affecting cardiac out put 
14.  Coronary circulations
15.  Pulmonary circulations 
16.  What is heart sound write their peculiarity 
17.  What is heart block
18.  Write importance of radial pulse
19.  Explain normal E.C.G.
20.  What is blood – pressure how it is regulate.
21.  Define redial pulse & give its types 
22.  Explain P.R. interval with diagram  


23.Write an account on phygo cytosis
24.Give the classification of R.E.S.


25.What is lymphatic glands write constituent of lymph
26.Formation, composition and function of lymphl 

27.Describe the structure and function of spleen
28.Role of spleen in destruction of R.B.C.
29.Function of W.B.C.
30.Formation of Haemoglobin   

Q.3.  Write short answer (any four out of six)                                                 4X5=20
 System:- (Excretory system, Special Senses, Respiratory System, Skin)


1.Formation of urine 
2.Write function of bowman’s capsules 
3.Write normal composition of urine 
4. Factors maintaining renal circulations
5.Describe micturations reflex write physiological importance’s 
6.What is renal test’s how it is perform 

7.Draw a neat label diagram of eye-ball and write two functions of layers of eye-ball
8.Structure and function of retina
9.Write brief not on visual cycle
10.What is myopia how it is corrected
11.What is astigmatism
12.Write a short note on visual accommodations 
13.colour vision.


14.Name the muscles involved in the respiration write their action during respirations 
15.What is artificial respirations 
16.Write pulmonary volumes & capacities 
17.Gaseous exchange at alveolar level
18.Nervous control of  respirations 
19.What is apnoea how it is corrected.


20.Name the layers of epidermis write their functions  

Q.4. Long answer question (any two out of four)                                                          2X10=20
System:- (Blood, C.V.S., Respiratory System, Body Temp & Regulation) BLOOD
1.What are different types of anaemia  give examples 
2.Name the clotting factors write mechanism of coagulation 
3.Give an account of blood group
4.Define erythropoietin describe the different stages and its regulation 
5.Describe fate of R.B.c. 

6.What is heart sound ? Describe their character, mechanism and formation 
7.What is cardiac cycle? Describe the various phares of cardiac cycle 
8.What is an E.C.G.? Describe the significance of each wave in normal E.C.G.
9.Describe cardiac out-put in detail and factors affecting of it
10.Define blood pressure, and explain different physiological factors affecting it
11.Describe in detail the properties of cardiac muscles 


12.Describe different types of hypoxia 
13.Desribe transport of oxygen
14.Describe chloride shift
15.Describe breuer reffex 16.Transport of Co 2 

17.Describe the mechanism of body temp in human being 
18.  Describe the mechanism of heat gain and heat loss
19. Define pyrexia and write in brief about hypothermia  

Q.5.,6,&7 Long answer question                                                                                                  1X20=20
System: (Blood , C.V.S., Respiratory and body temperature)


    1)Describe coagulation along with following head a)factors

b)intrinsic mechanism
c)extrinsic mechanism
d)factor accelerating and inhibiting


 2)write down in detail the blood group under following head a)ABO system

b)Rh blood group
c)Rh negative mother
d) hazards of mismatched blood transfusion 

     3)describe erythropoesis under following head
a)erythropoesis in intra uterine life
b)stages of erythropoesis
c)factors essencials for erythropoesis
d)megaloblastic anaemia 

  4. State detail of leucopoiesis on following head 

a)  Intra uterine life
b)  Stages of development
c)   Factor affecting 
d)  Applied physiology  


1) Describe lung volume and capacity under following head.
a)                     Tidal Volume & Residual Volume
b)                    Inspiratory  Reserve Volume & Expiratory Reserve Volume
c)                     Lung Capacity
d)                    Diagrammatic representation of Lung Volume & Capacity

2) Describe Respiration under following head.
a)     Definition  of respiration  
b)     Type of respiration
c)     Parts come under respiration
d)     Mechanism of  respiration

3) describe transport of O2 & co2 under following head  

a)                   Transport of oxygen
b)                   At Alveoli level
c)                    Transport of carbondioxide  
d)                   Explain chloride shift  


1. Describe the five junction tissue of heart  under following head

a)  Pace maker 
b)  A.V. Node
c)   Bundle of his
d)  Purkinje fibres 

2. Describe the blood pressure under following head

a)  Define blood pressure 
b)  Types of blood pressure
c)   Factors affecting blood pressure 
d)  Normal values of blood pressure at different age group

3. Describe the radial pulse under following head.
a)  Define radial pulse 
b)  Types of radial pulse                        
c)   Factor’s affecting radial pulse 
d)  Explain normal wave for radial pulse 

4. Describe cardiac cycle with following head 

a)  Definition 
b)  Events
c)   Cardiac Sounds 
d)  Factor affecting 


1. Describe the body temp under following head.
a)  Body temp in human being and its monitoring 
b)  Heat gain and heat loss mechanism 
c)   Pyrexia 
d)  Brief about hypothermia 

2. Describe thermo regulation with following points 

a)  Thermogenesis
b)  Thermolysis 
c)   Physical and behavioral changes in Hot and cold atmosphere 
d)  Applied physiology. 

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