(5 Mark Pattern)

Compare & Contrast

1.       Merc Sol. & Hep.Sulph in Throat complaints      
2.       China & Gels in Fever
3.       Digitals & Acetic Acid in Dropsy                
4.       Cantharis & Apis Mel in Urinary  complaints
5.       Ammonium Mur & Bromium in Coryza                
6.       Conium & Phytolacca in induration of Glands
7.       Nux  vomica & Merc Sol in Rectal symptoms       
8.       Ammonium  Mur & Bovista in Menstrual disorders
9.       Acetic  Acid  & Apis in Urinary symptoms        
10.   Nux. Vom &  Pulsatilla  in Gastric disorders.
11.   Cact. Gr & Digitals in Heart                     
12.   China and Gels in Fever
13.   Ammonium Mur & Arsenic Iod. in Coryza            
14.   Alumina & Platina in GIT
15.   Lycopodium & Gelsemium in Mind                   
16.   Nux.Moschata & Ambra Gr. in Hysteria
17.   Nat. Mur & Nat Carb. in Headache                 
18.   Anacardium & Phosphorus in Mental.
19.   Mercuris & Apis Mel in Throat                    
20.   Apis Mel & Apocynum in Dropsy
21.   Conium & Phytolacca in Glands                   
22.   Aloes & Podophyllum in Diarrhoea
23.   Ignatia & Lachesis in Throat trouble            
24.   Cantharis & Berb. Vul in Renal colic
25.   Ant. Tart & Ipecac in cough                      
26.   Bryonia & nux vomica in Constipation
27.   Colocynth & Mag. Phos in Colic                   
28.   Bryonia & Conium  in Vertigo
29.   Cactus & Gelsemium in Cardiac Manifestation  
30.   Ipecac &  Ant.Tart in Respiratory complaints
31.   Veratrum Album & Camphor in Cholera             
32.   Puls & Sep in Female
33.   Alumina & Opium in Constipation                   
34.   Lycopodium & Phosphorus in Respiratory field
35.   Phytolacca and Bromium in Glandular pathalogy
36.   Acetic acid & Apis Urinary                             
37.   Ambr gr  & Nat m in mentals
38.   Amm C, Sec C, Bov, Plat Menses.


1.       Opium, Alumina, phos - GIT                         
2.       Cardiac symptoms of Aur met. Cactus, Dig, Gels
3.       Marasmus of Abrot, BC, NM                          
4.       Lycopodium & Sepia - Renal colic
5.       Bromium and Ars.Iod - Asthma                       
6.       Lycopodium & Conium - Urinary disorders
7.       Mercury & Lachesis - Throat complaint              
8.       ŠSepia & Conium - Urinary symptoms
9.       Ammonium mur & Bovista - Mental disorders          
10.   Bovista & Ferr Met - Allergies
11.   Gelsimium & Pulsatilla - Fever                     
12.   Nat  mur & Petroleum  - Skin eruption
13.   Cinchona officinalis & Nat.Carb - Fever

Short Notes

1.       Marasmus - Abrotanum,  Bar. C.                
2.       Oedema - Apis, Apo, Digit, Cinch
3.       Abdomen - Thuja                               
4.       Heart - Cactus, Dig
5.       Collapse- Veratrum Alb, Camphor, Carb V       
6.       Headache - Nat Mur
7.       Physical generals - Petroleum,  Ferr met             
8.       Geiatric Age - Con
9.       Cough - Con                                   
10.   Cholera - Agar
11.   Sexual Disorders - Agnus                      
12.   Whooping  Cough - Drosera
13.   Rectum - Silicia                              
14.   Pneumonia - Phos
15.   Liver Symptoms - Chelidonium, Podo            
16.   Psychosis - Lach
17.   Constipation - Alumina, Opium, Platina        
18.   Asthma - Ars. alb, Kali. C, CV, Ant.T., Ip
19.   Eczema - Graphites, Pet                      
20.   Causation - Conium, RT
21.   Destructive Dimensions - Kali Bich            
22.   CNS - Gels, Agar
23.   Suppurations - Sil                            
24.   Bleeding - Lach 
25.   Diarrhoea Podo, Nat S                          
26.   Eyes - Euph
27.   Typhoid condition - Hyos, Bapt                 
28.   Food Allergies - Ferr met.
29.   Breast disorders - Con, Phyt, Bor Bry          
30.   Urinary Symp - Apis, Canth, Con, Lyco.
31.   Gastric Symptoms - Nux, Vom, Chel, Bis, Sep, Lyco, Kali Bi, Nat C.  
32.   Sciatica - Kali Bichromicum,  Colocynth, Magnesium Phosphorus, Phytolacca, Amm mur.
33.   Rheumatism - Causticum, Kali-Carb., Rhus-tox, Pulsatilla, Cal. P., Cimic, Phyt
34.   Dysentry - Merc-Sol., Canth, Kali-Bich, Bryonia, Merc.Cor, Nux-Vomica, Ipecac 35. Children - Calcium Phosphorus,  Silicea, Borax, Chamomilla, Cina, Aeth, Calc, Bar. C.
36.   Fever - Belladonna, Aconite, Arnica, Baptisia, Aethusa, Cinch.
37.   Skin Symptoms - Graphites,  Silicea, Bovista, Petroleum, Ars-Iod.
38.   Mentals - Anac, Anacardium, Nat-carb, Platina, Phosphorus, Helleborus, Cantharis, Nat-mur, Aur M, Vert alb
39.   Modalities - Nitric Acid, Dulcamara,  Bapt-Tinct., Colchicum, Chel, Aco, Cal. P.
40.   Respiratory symptoms - Antim tart, Carbo veg, Ipecac, Hepar sulp, Amm C, Dros, Ars I, Bromium, Lyc, Spong, Phos, Ars Alb
41.   Causation and modalities - Lycopodium, Colocynth, Spon, Phos, Nat M.   
42.   Anacardium - Split Personality
43.   Platina - liliputian  hallucination.      
44.   Sulphur - Personality

Full Questions

1.       Describe drug picture under following heading:Constitution, Physical generals, Causation, Mentals, Modalities, Characteristic Particulars. 
2.       Calc-carb, Baryta-carb, Phosphorus, Ferrum-met, Aconitum-Napellus, Opium, Platina, Sepia,
3.       Leading Indications:- 4. Actea Racemosa           
5.       Agnus Castus           
6.       Chelidonium       
7.       Ammonium Carb
8.       Nitric acid              
9.       Causticum  
10.   Calc. F.         
11.   Pulsatilla   
12.   Phosphorus
13.   Platina                  
14.   Merc. Sol  
15.   Calc. Ars.       
16.   Secale Cor   
17.   Ignatia 
18.   Opium
19.   Lyco                     
20.   Lachesis    21. Arg nit        
22.   Ars alb. 
23.   Hyos 
24.   Nux Vom
25.   Describe the drug picture of Lachesis or Lycopodium and give important differentiating features of them in a tabular form. Compare & contrast : mentals, Reproductive, throat 
26.   Describe in detail the Drug picture of SEPIA  and compare with  PULSATILLA. Give the main generalities of each and their differentiating points in mentals.
27.   Describe the leading indications of Sepia an Platina and differentiate them in mentals and rectal symptoms
28.   Give briefly the general sphere of action of Pulsatilla and how will you differentiate it in general with Nux-vomica
29.   Give broad generalisation of: Natrum mur and Silicea and give their differentiation 
30.   Give broad generalisation of Sepia and Nat.mur and give their differentiation.
31.   Give broad generalisation of Lycopodium and Lachesis and give their differentiation
32.   Give broad generalisation of Sepia and Nux-Vomica and give their differentiation.

1.       Nux-Vom and Sepia
2.       Canth,  and Apis M.
3.       Lycopodium and Lachesis
4.       Give the Patho-physiology of Opium
5.       Describe leading indication of lyco & NV & Compare & Contrast them in mentals, renal,GIT. 
6.       Give only five leading indications each of Apis, Belladonna. Compare and Contrast them with Mentals, Urine, Stool, Females.
7.       Give only five leading indication each of gelsemium and bryonia. Compare and Contrast them with three indication of Head, Throat, Female Extremities

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