Forensic Medicine& Toxicology (2,5,10,15 marks pattern)

Forensic Medicine& Toxicology

 Q.1]  Answer (any 10 out of 15)                                                                10 x 2 = 20

(Forensic Medicine)

*  Qualification of coroner * Two criminal courts in India * Two types of evidences * What is Mercy killing                   
*  What is Euthanasia *Time limit for Exhumation in India France Scotland &Germany *Types of malpraxis 
*  Number of jury and Types of jury * What is Hostile witness * What is Expert Witness  * What is Perjury
*  What is Product liability * Four examples of Documentary evidences * What is Ethical Malpraxis 
*  What is Scientific Witness * Three examples of Priviledge Communications * Panchnama * High Court 
*  What do you mean by Juvenile offender * Three examples of Contributory Negligence * Open Verdict
*  Dying Declaration * Dying Deposition * Act of Omission * Act of Comission * Supreme Court * Consent 
*  Summons * Subpoena * Juvenile Court * District Court of Session * Conduct Money * MO fees 
*  Indication for Magistrate Inquest * Coroner Court * Cognizable Offences * Non-cognizable Offences
*  Leading Question * Vicarious responsibility * Circumstantial Evidences * Exhumation    
*  How Many Copies of P.M. Reports are Prepared & to whom they are given 
*  Two examples of Act of Omission in infanticides * Two examples of Act of Commission in infanticides 
*  Define Medical Jurisprudence * What is Starvation * Rule of Nine * Rule of Dozen * Flash Burn 
*  Immediate causes of death in case of Burn * Types of Burn * Pugilistic Attitude * Boxing Attitude 
*  Two Methods of Inducing Criminal Abortions * Types of Abortions * Define Criminal Abortions 
*  Abortion Stick * Ecobolics * Emmenagogues * Locard’s Principle of Exchange * Incest * Catamite 
*  Two Types of Sexual Perversion * Paedestry * Indescent Assault * Types of Hymen * Peeping Tom
*  Bestiality * Define Sexual Perversions with two examples * Lust Murder * Classify Sexual Offences
*  Artificial insemination * Types of Sterilization * Two permanent methods of Sterilization in male  * Two permanent methods of Sterilization in Female * Four temporary methods of Sterilization 
*  Three indication for Artificial Insemination * Defloration * Virginity * Pseudocyesis * Quickening 
*  F.H.S * Goodeles Sign * Haggars Sign * Jackquemiers Sign * Braxton HicKs Sign * Height of Uterus 
*  Lochial Discharge after Delivery * Posthomous Child * Suppositious Child * Bastard Child 
*  Still born Child * Dead Born Child * Viable Child * Foetus Papyraseous * Foetus Compressus 
*  Atavism * Four natural causes of death in a new born / infant * Motive for Infanticides  
*  Four Accidental causes of death in a new born / infant * Causes of death in Infanticides 
*  Medicolegal importance in case of sterility & impotency * Two types of incision in Autopsy
*  Name of other Fibers which resembles with Hair * Formula for Cephalic Index * Types of Cranial Index
*  Examples of External Congenital Deformities or Peculiarities * Data required for estimation of Age  
*  Examples of External Acquired Deformities * Hess Formula * Karl Pearson Formula * Tattoo Marks 
*  Basic Patterns of Finger Prints * Medicolegal Importance of Scar * Methods of Removing Tattoo Marks 
*  Examples of Preservatives used for Preservation of Visceras * Types of Identifications 
*  Methods of Taking Finger Prints 
*  Signs of Life * Signs of Somatic Death * Signs of Molecular Death * Types of Suspended animations 
*  Formula for Estimating Time of Death * Forensic Entomolgy * Medium in which body is Preserved 
*  Composition of substances in Adipocere * Modes of Death * P.M. Caloricity 
*  Examples of Grievous Hurt * Section 320 * Defence wound * Fabricated Wound * Types of Drowning 
*  Types of Strangulation * Types of Suffocations * Types of Abrasion * Types of Laceration 
*  Factors influencing Contusion * Dry Drowning * Causes of death in Hanging 
*  Causes of Death in Strangulation * Bansdola * Lynching * Friction Burns * Types of Burn * Heat rupture
*  Immediate signs of death * Late Signs of Death * Early Signs of Death * M.L.I. of Adipocoere
*  External Factors influencing rate of Decomposition * Factors influencing Ligature Mark  
*  Internal Factors influencing rate of Decomposition * Kinds of Weapons                                                                


1) Length and Diameter of Ewald Boastube 2) Length and Diameter of Stomach tube 
3) Two contraindication when tube is not passed 4) Position of Patient while passing tube
5) What is Vitriolage 6) what is Vitriol throwing 7) Condition of Tongue and Teeth in H2So4 Poisoining
8) F.D and F.P of H2So4  9) F.D and F.P of HNo3  10) F.D and F.P of HCL  11) What is poison
12) What is Toxicology 13) Common Poison used for suicidal purpose
14) Common poison used for Homicidal purpose 15) Factors which modify action of poison
16)  What is general line of treatment in a suspected case of poison
17)  How you will remove the unabsorbed poison 18) What is mechanical antidotes
19) What is antidotes 20) What is chemical antidotes 21) Composition of universal antidotes
22) What do you mean by Antagonist 23) Name two chelating agent
24) What is BAL  25) What is EDTA  26) Dose of BAL  27) Dose of EDTA
28) Diagnosis of Poisoning in dead  29) Uses of H2So4  30) Uses of HNo3  31) Uses of HCL
32) What is Carboluria 33) What is Burtonian line  34) Fatal dose & FP of Carbolic acid
35) Fatal dose & FP of Phosphorus 36) Fatal dose & FP of Lead 37) Fatal dose & FP of Cocaine 
38) Fatal dose & FP of Canabis indica 39) Fatal dose & FP of Opium 40) Fatal dose & FP of Nux Vomica 
41) Fatal dose & FP of Absolute Alcohol  42) Fatal dose & FP of Orgaonophosphorus comp
43) Fatal dose & FP of Methyl Alcohol   44) Fatal dose & FP of Dhatura   45) Fatal dose & FP of Castor 
46) Fatal dose & FP of Croton 47) Fatal dose & FP of HCN 48) Fatal doze & FP of Cyanides
49) Two salts of lead & their uses 50) What is Phossyjaw? 51) What is Phosphorence?
52) Three important S/s of Lead-poisoning 53) Three important S/s of Nux Vomica
54) Classification of Organophosphorus comp. 55) Example of organophosphate insecticides
56) Example of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon 57) Routes of administration of Poison 
58) Routes of elimination of Poison 59) Advantage of Arsenic Poison 
60) Disadvantage of Arsenic Poison 61) Skin changes in Arsenic Poison 
62) With which Diseases Arsenic Poison is differentiated? 63) Name Arrow Poison 
64)  With which diseases or condition Opium poisoning is differentiated?
65)  Which are the pathological conditions simulating Alcoholic intoxication?
66)  Vegetables seeds which resembles with Dhatura  seeds?
67)  Characteristic of hand movements in Dhatura poison 68) Characteristic of N.V seeds 
69) Poison causing constriction of pupil  70) Poison causing dilatation of Pupil 
71) Poison causing Hepatotoxicity  72) Poison causing alternate constriction & dilatation of Pupil
73) Poison with characteristic smell 74) Poison causing froth at nose & mouth  
75) Composition of Universal Antidote 76) In which Poison Rectified spirit is not used?
77) Contraindication of Emetics 78) Examples of Cattle Poisoning 79) Magnans Syndrome   80) Runs Amoke   

Q.2]   Short Answers (any four out of six)                                                                    4 X 5 = 20 
*  Magistrate inquest * Police inquest * Coroner inquest * Summons * Conduct money * M.O. Fees 
*  Witnesses * Dying Declaration * Dying Deposition * Doctor in Witness box * Exhumation 
*  Legal Sentences given by Indian court * Punishment given by Indian Court * Juvenile Court
*  Duties & Powers of Coroner * Difference between coroner Court & Magistrate court 
*  Difference between Police inquest & Coroner inquest * Dr. – Patient Relationship
*  Contributory Negligence * Product Liability * Vicarious Responsibility * Professional secrets  
*  Priviledge Communications * Volunteering statement * Civil Malpraxis * Criminal Malpraxis
*  Infamous Conduct * Professional Misconduct * Euthanasia * Mercy killing * Ethical Malpraxis 
*  Criminal Negligence * Rights & Priviledge of a Registered Practionar * Duties of Patient * Malpraxis
*  Workmen compensation Act * Consumer Protection Act * Medical Examiner System * Offences 
*  Types of Court & their Powers * Expert Witness * Oath taking * Evidences * Medical Evidences
*  Examination in Chief * Cross Examination * Medical Certificates * Medico legal Reports 
*  Recording of Evidences * Cephalic Index * Finger Prints * Medico Legal Aspects of Age * Dactylography
*  Tattoo Marks * Procedure & Importance of Exhumation * Lucid Interval * Hallucination * Delusion 
*  Illusion * Obsession * Impulses * Difference between True & False Insanity * False Insanity * Idiocy 
*  Schizophrenia * Somnanbulism * Coma * Syncope * Asphyxia * Diatoms * Forensic Entomology
*  Embalming Process * Mummification * Adipocere * Rigor Mortis * Cadeveric spasm * Putrification
*  P.M. Caloricity * P.M. lividity * P.M. Intrerval * Inquest * Oral Evidences * Rule of Dozen * Rule of Nine
*  Burn * Death due to Electricity * Suspended Animation * Judicial Electrocution * Sati 
*  Causes of death in Burn * Scalds * Difference between Burns & Scalds * Dowry Death
*  Difference between A.M. & P.M. Burn * Puglistic Attitude * Boxing Attitude * MTP Act 
*  Unprofessional Conduct * Leading Question * Virginity * Difference between True & False Virgin 
*  Difference between Virginity & Defloration * Right & Detail about Hymen * Blood Stein * Seminal Stein
*  Blood Group * Bestiality * Sodomy * Buccal Coitus * Sadism * Masochism * Lesbianism * Peeping Tom
*  Classification of Burn * Incest * Indescent Assault * Depuytrens Classification of Burn * Super Foetation
*  Super Fecundation * Impotency * Sterilisation * Artificial Insemination * Sterility * Sin of Gomoroh
*  P.M. Artefacts * Methods of sterilization * Medical Ethics & Etiquettes * P.M. Staining 
*  Autopsy Report * The Drugs & Cosmetics Rule 1945 * Foetal Heart Sound * Corpus Delecti  
*  Condition Simulating Rigor Mortis * Caffey Syndrome * Ballotment * Quickening * Signs of Pregnancy
*  Judicial Hanging * Diagnosis of Death from Drowning * P.M. findings in Drowning * Race 
*  Classification of wounds * Abrasion * Bruise * Lynching * Ligature Mark in Hanging * Cartidge
*  Grievous Hurt * Section 320 IPC * Incised wound * Lacerated Wound * Stab Wound * Function of CCH
*  Kleinfelter Syndrome * Test for Confirmation of Cessation of Circulation * Cadaveric Spasm 
*  Test for Confirmation of Cessation of Respiration * Drug Induce Method for inducing Criminal Abortion
*  Homoeopathic Central Council 1973 * Hostile Witness * Scar * Hydrostatic Test * Floatation Test 
*  Galton System * Professional Negligence * Legitimacy * Starvation & its S/S 
*  Mechanical Violence used for inducing Criminal Abortion * Circumstantial Evidences  
*  Drug induce method for inducing criminal Abortion * Consumer Protection Act (copra) 
*  Rights of Patient * Anthropometry * Turner Syndrome * Hessrule * Modes of Death 
*  Pulling of Death Body * Changes in Muscles after Death * Time since Death * Causes of Death in Burns
*  P.M. finding in Burns * Civil Responsibility of Insane * P.M. Appearance in Hanging * MLA of Hanging
*  Mechanism of Drowning * MLA of Drowning * Types of Asphyxia & Ligature marks on Neck 
*  Natural causes of infant death * Accidental causes of Infant death * Criminal Causes of Infant death  * P.M. appearance in death due to Lightning      

Q.3]   Write Short Answers (Four out of six)                                                           4 X 5 = 20
*  Cattle Poisoning * Stomach Tube * Ewald Boas Tube * Preservative * Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1945
*  Bombay Prohibition Act * Snake Venom * BAL * Chelating Agent * EDTA * Vitriol Throwing * Carboluria
*  Vitriollage * Treatment of Lead Poisoning * Treatment of Snake Poisoning * Universal Antidote
*  Treatment of Dhatura poisoning * Treatment of Mineral Poisoning * Kerosene Poisoning * Emetics
*  Treatment of Nux Vomica Poisoning * Treatment of HCN Poisoning * Treatment of Opium Poisoning
*  Treatment of Carbolic Acid Poisoning * Treatment of Organophosphorus Poisoning * Rati Poisoning
*  Treatment of Cocaine Poisoning * Treatment of Canabis Indica Poisoning * Phossy Jaw
*  Treatment of Phosphorus Poisoning * Treatment of Alcohol Poisoning * Lead Encelopathy  
*  Characteristic of Ideal Homicidal Poison * Characteristic of Ideal Suicidal Poisoning * Drug Dependence 
*  Preservation of Viscera * Sui Poison * Cause of Death in Alcoholic * Hallucinogen * Food Allergy 
*  Routes of Administration & Elimination of Poison * First Aid Treatment in Snake Bite * Lead Line
*  Delirium Tremens * Korsakoff Psychosis * Macwans Signs * General S/S of Mineral Acid Poisons
*  S/S of Sulphuric Acid & Vitriol Throwing * S/S of HNO3 * S/S of Olaender poison 
*  S/S & Treatment of Carbondioxide Poison * S/S & Treatment of Carbon monoxide Poison 
*  Treatment of Acid Poisons * Advantage & Disadvantage of arsenic Poison * S/S of Aconite poison    
*  S/S in Chronic Arsenic Poisons * Treatment in Arsenic Poisons * P.M. findings in arsenic Poisons 
*  S/S of HCN & its Fatal Dose & Fatal Period * P.M. in HCN Poisons * S/S of Carbolic Acid poison 
*  What is Carboluria. P.M. in Carbolic Acid Poisons * S/S in cannabis Indica Poisoning
*  MLA of Canabis Indica Poisons * Runs Amoke * S/S of Opium * MLA of Opium * MLA of Aconite poison    
*  S/S in Acute Phosphorus Poisoning * P.M. in Phosphorus Poisoning * Chronic Phosphorus Poisoning
*  General S/S of Irritant Poisoning * S/S of Acute Lead Poisoning * S/S Chronic Lead Poison 
*  S/S of Nux Vomica Poisons * S/S of Insecticides * S/S of Organophosphorus Poisons 
*  Treatment of one Insecticides * S/S of Alcohol * P.M. in alcoholic poisoning * S/S of Methyl Alcohol
*  Drunkenness * S/S of Snake Bite * S/S of Castor Poison * S/S of Proton poison * S/S of Dhatura 
*  S/S of Cocaine * Treatment of Cocaine * MLA of Cocaine * Modus Operandi in Dataram Poison 

Q.4] Long Answer Question  (any 2out of 4)                                         2 x 10 = 20

*  Classify wounds. Describe about wounds of entry & wounds of exit. 
*  Describe injuries caused by Sharp cutting pointed objects. How you will enter the description of Stab Wounds in P.M. report?
*  Classify wounds & describe Bruise in detail. 
*  Classify Mechanical injury & write in detail about Bruise.
*  Classify wounds. How you will distinguish between A.M. wound & P.M. wound.
*  Define Injury. Medicolegal classification of Injury. Write in detail about incised wound.
*  Define Contusion. Discuss the factors influencing its formation & appearance.
*  What is Firearm Injury? M.L.I. of firearm injury.
*  Classify Wounds. Differentiate between Suicidal, Homicidal & Accidental wounds.
*  Discuss Grievous hurt in detail. Differentiate between A.M. & P.M. injuries.
*  Classify Mechanical injuries & give data that will help you in the determination of the age of injury.
*  Classify Mechanical injuries. Discuss the medicolegal aspects of Abrasions/Contusion.
*  What is Rule of Nine with diagram? Distinguish between A.M. burn & P.M. burn.
*  Describe in detail various types of burn & their medicolegal aspects.
*  Give degrees of burn. How you will estimate Severity of burn.
*  What is burn? Write in detail about P.M. findings in Death due to Burn.
*  Classify burns. Describe various findings which help to decide that burns are antemortem.
*  Describe burns. What is Rule of Nine? Discuss the causes of Death in Burn.
*  Define burns. Give its classification. What are the causes of death in burn?
*  What is Exhumation? Mention the precaution that you will take & briefly describe the Autopsy of Exhumed body.
*  What is P.M. interval? Discuss the methods of determination of P.M. interval.
*  What are the signs of death? Describe the various changes that the muscles undergo after death.
*  Define death & its types. What are the different signs of death? Write about the Putrification/Mummification.
*  Enumerate the factors which help in estimating time since death.
*  What are the various signs of death? Which signs help to determine the time after death & how?
*  Describe the Rigor mortis. Describe difference between Rigor Mortis & Cadaveric Spasm.
*  What are the immediate changes after death? How do you test for stoppage of Nervous functions circulation & respiration?
*  What is Rigor Mortis? How it is formed? Differentiate between Rigor Mortis & Cadaveric Spasm.
*  Describe Rigor Mortis. Give Conditions simulating Rigor Mortis.
*  What are the late signs of death? Write about Rigor Mortis or Putrification or Saponification or Mummification.
*  What is Putrification? Discuss the various factors affecting putrification.
*  What is Drowning? Describe the P.M. findings in Drowning case.
*  Enumerate various type of death from Asphyxia. Differentiate between Hanging & Strangulation.
*  Describe the P.M. features in case of typical hanging.
*  Classify asphyxial death. Define Drowning. Give S/S & cause of death.
*  S/S & causes & mechanism of Drowning.
*  Define Strangulation. Write in detail S/S & P.M. finding.
*  What is Strangulation? Give P.M. appearances in Throttling.
*  Enumerate the various types of death from Asphyxia & describe hanging or strangulation.
*  Classify Asphyxial death. Define Drowning. P.M. appearances in drowning & what is Burking?
*  What is suffocation? Discuss the P.M. findings in death due to suffocation.
*  Define Hanging. Describe S/S & medicolegal importance of Hanging.
*  What is Asphyxia? Describe how you will investigate in case of death due to suffocations due to poisonous gas in chamber.
*  How you will proceed for P.M. examination of young persons whose cause of death is not known?
*  Define medicolegal autopsy. Explain objects precautions & requirements in detail.
*  Describe in short the P.M. changes in the body.
*  Discuss in detail the aims & objectives of conducting a medicolegal autopsy.
*  Define Identifications. Explain the medicolegal importance of examination of teath.
*  What do you mean by Identity? What is medicolegal importance of Age?
*  What is medicolegal importance of Age? How you will find out whether person has attained majority or not?
*  Describe how you will proceed to identify a dead body on a railway track?
*  How you will determine the age of individual & give in brief the medicolegal importance of age.
*  How does a Permanent tooth differs from a temporary tooth? How does a dentition help to establish the age of person?
*  How do you establish the identity of an unidentified dead body?
*  Discuss how you proceed to identify a living person.
*  Define Infanticides. Describe how you will determine at P.M. that child when born was alive or not in case of alleged infanticides.
*  Define Infanticides. How you will prove alive birth during P.M. examination?
*  What is Infanticides? What are its methods?
*  What is Medical Termination of Pregnancy act? What are the methods used for inducing criminal abortions?
*  Define Abortion. Classify Abortion. Describe the complication of criminal Abortions.
*  Describe the P.M. finding in a victim of recent criminal Abortion.
*  Define Abortion classify it & give its causes.
*  What you mean by Abortion, Miscarriage & Premature delivery? Define criminal abortion & means employed in criminal abortion.
*  What precaution should be taken by a doctor while treating a woman with undergone criminal abortion? 
*  What are various signs of pregnancy? Discuss the medicolegal aspects of pregnancy.
*  Describe in detail the presumtive, probable & positive signs of pregnancy & M.L.I. of pregnancy.
*  Describe the signs of recent delivery in the living.
*  Define Rape. How you will carry out examination of Rape victim?
*  Define Rape. Describe in detail the findings in victim of Rape.
*  What are unnatural sexual offenses? Write in brief about Sodomy.
*  Classify Sexual offenses. Define rape. What are the findings in a accused of Rape.
*  Classify unnatural Sexual offenses. Write in brief any 1 of them.
*  Define sexual perversion. Write findings of active & passive agent in case of sodomy.
*  What is Sodomy? Explain the signs that you will observe in participant.
*  Define Sexual perversions. Write in detail about Bestiality & Lesbianism.
*  Define sodomy. Describe the finding in habitual passive agent.
*  Define Sexual perversion. Write in detail about Bestiality.

Q.5] Long Answer Question 
(Metallic & Non-metallic Poisons, Animal poisons, Agricultural Poisons)                                          1 x 20 = 20
*  Describe S/S, Treatment & P.M. of Organophosphorus Poison
*  Describe S/S, Treatment & P.M. of Venomous Snake Bite
*  Classify Poison & Describe S/S & Treatment of Arsenic Poison 
*  Describe S/S, Treatment & P.M. in Chronic Lead Poisoing
*  Define Poison. Classify Poison with examples. Write in detail about S/S, Treatment in Lead Poisoning.
*  Write S/S, Treatment in case of Arsenic Poison. Add a note on Arsenic Poison & Cholera.
*  Classify Poison & describe S/S, Treatment & P.M. of Phosphorus Poison.
*  What is Phossy Jaw? Describe S/S, Treatment & P.M. of Phosphorus.
*  Classify Snakes. Describe the C/F & management of Snake Bite Poisoning.
*  Discuss in detail the S/S, management & P.M. of Organophosphorus Poison.

   Q.6]   L.A.Q                                                                                            20 Marks

*  What is Stupefyine Agent . Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. of Dataram poisoning.
*  Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. in case of Opium Poison.
*  Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. in case of Alcohol Poison.
*  What is Runs Amoke? Describe S/S, Treatment & P.M. in Canabis Indica Poison.
*  What is Magnans Syndrome? Write in detail S/S, Treatment P.M. in Cocaine Poison.
*  What is Carboluria? Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. in case of Carbolic Acid Poisoning.
*  Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. in case of HCN Poison.
*  Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. in case of Nux Vomica Poison.
*  Write the S/S, Treatment & P.M. in case of HNO3 H2SO4 Poison.
*  What are Corrosive Poison? Discuss in detail about S/S, management of H2SO4 & HNO3.
*  Discuss in detail Chronic Ganja Psychosis.


Q.7] Toxicology     (L.A.Q)                                                                      20 marks

*  Define Poison. What is Antidotes? Describe the various types of Antidotes with suitable example. Add a note on universal antidotes.
*  Define Toxicology. What are the Precautions taken by M.O. in suspected cases of Poison?
*  What is an Antidote? Give its classification. Describe the procedure of Stomach Wash. 
*  What are the different actions of Poison? What are the factors which influence the action of Poison?
*  Define Toxicology. Write in detail about general line of treatment of Poisoning.
*  What is Preservative? Describe the process of Preservation & dispatching of Viscera’s in case of suspected Poison.
*  Classify Poison with examples & what are the Precautions taken by M.O. in suspected case of Poison?
*  How you will Diagnose Poisoning in living person & in Dead person’s body?
*  What do you mean by Antidotes? What are their indications? Describe in detail about the duties of Doctor in Suspected cases of Poisoning.

- Dr. Sanghvi Bharat L
H.O.D. FMT Dept.
DKMM Homoeopathic Medical College