Long Questions
1. How
will you investigate a case of male infertility and give indications of Sel,
Sabal S, Con, Acid-phos
2. What
is sterility? How will you invest a case of sterility of 32 year lady. Give
indications of NatC, AurumM, Borax, Con, NatM, Sep
3. Write
the common new growths of uterus and manage with AurM, Borax, Sep, Kreo
4. Discuss
the manage of genital Ca with 3 indicated homoeopathic drugs
5. 4
female patients c/o vaginal discharge. Each was given a different homoeopathic
drug Alumina, Borax, CalC, & MerS, on what basis were these drugs given?
6. Describe
the role of homoeopathy in management of leucorrhoea. Give indications of Puls,
Kreos, Alum, AmmonM
7. How
will you take a case of dysmenorrhoea homoeopathically. Give indications of
Cham, KaliC, Cimi
8. What
are the different types of dysmenorrhoea ? Write 2 drugs with indication for
each type of dysmenorrhoea
9. Give
important indications of KaliC Lyc, Puls, Sul in management of amenorrhoea
10. Give
some of the common complaints during menopause & give indications of ArgN,
China, Glon
11. What is menopause? What is menopausal syndrome? Give indications of Lach &
Graph in this condition
12. Discuss
the role of Homoeopathy with indica of 3 drugs at `Change of Life'
13. What
are the common symptoms during climacteric period? Give indications of 3 drugs
for the same
14. What
are causes of menorrhagia in a patient aged 40 years. Give important indications
of Phos, Milli, CalC, Trill P
15. Define
menorrhagias. Give 3 prominent drugs with indications
16. `Irregularities of menses'. State indications of Helo, SecC,
& NuxM for the same
17. How
will you differentiate in prolapse LilT, Plat, Sep, Murex, Bell. To what extent homoeopathic
treatment is curative/palliative. When is surgery indicated in prolapse
18. What
does bearing down sensation indicate? How will you treatment a case with
homoeopathy. Give indications of 3 drugs.
19. Write
5 important drugs for ovulation with their indications
20. Give
drugs picture of SEPIA with reference to female disorders from puberty to
21. Discuss
role of Homoeopathy in management of eclampsia with 3 indicated drugs
22. What
is pre-eclampsia? Give indications of Apis, MercS, Phos. How will you manage such a case
23. What
is pre-eclampsia. How will you manage a case of impending eclampsia with help
of Ars A, Cic, ApisM
24. Discuss
miasmatic classification of various types of abortions Give important indications of
Sep, Syph, Sab, Caul, SecC
25. How
will you investigations a case of habitual abortion. Give indications of 3
drugs for it.
26. What
are the causes of accidental haemorrhage? Discuss treatment & complications
with homoeopathic drugs in detail
27. What
is APH? Write differential diagnosis of APH. Give detail management of placenta
praevia with homoeopathic drugs
28. Discuss
role of homoeopathy in management of atony of uterus resulting into PPH. Give
indications of SecC, Puls, China, Trill Give indications of Phos, Erig, &
SecC in PPH
29. How
will you manage a case of 5th para with H/o excessive bleeding after every
delivery homoeopathically. Give indications of 3 drugs for it
30. How
will you approach a case of morning sickness. Give indications of ArsA, Sep,
31. How
will you manage a case of primi in delayed labour with help of Cimi, Bell,
Puls, Kalic
32. Write
indications of 2 imp drugs during pregnancy for-Diabetes, Jaundice, Anaemia
33. Discuss the scope of homoeopathy in ANC with reference to Sep, NuxV, Puls,
KaliC, Apis
34. What
do you mean by abnormal puerperium? Write management in detail &
indications of Pyrogen, Bell, HeparS, ArsA, Phos
35. What
abnormal presentations do you know? What is scope of homoeopathy in treatment
of abnormal presentation
Short Notes
- Convulsions in new born
- Vomiting in new born
- Puerperal sepsis
- Pre-eclampsia
- Cyanosis in new born
- Subinvolution of uterus
- Describe 2 homoeopathic drugs in the following conditions:
- Habitual Abortion
- Backache in pregnancy
- Piles in pregnancy.
- Delayed 2nd stage of labour
- Cephal haematoma in new born
- Asphyxia in new born
- Retention of urine in new born
- Vaginal tears
- Inco-ordinate uterine action
- Cracked nipples
- Dysmenorrhoea associated with faintings
- Polymenorrhagia
- Endometritis
- Undeveloped secondary sex characters
- Scanty menses
- PRURITIS VULVA: Calad, Kreos
- OVARIAN TUMORS: PlbM Sab, Thalpsi 53. BACKACHE : KaliC
- VARICOSE VEINS: Vip, Hamm, CarbV,
- CLIMACTERIC: Lach, Sulph
- DYSPAREUNIA: Arn, Calend, Sab,Thalspi
- EPISIOTOMY: Staph, Arn
- HYPEREMESIS: Colch, ArsA, Sep,
- FerM, Collin, NuxV
- S.T.D.: Canth, CanS, Hydr, Kreos
- DYSMENORRHOEA: Calc, Viburnum
- P.I.D: Sil, Medh
Long Questions
1. Classify
Cervical Ca, discuss merits & demerits of operative treatment & irradiation
2. Discuss
early diagnosis of Ca Cervix & discuss manage of Ca in-situ
3. What
are signs and symptoms of Ca of body of uterus? How will you diagnose &
treatment such a patient.
4. Give
histopathology, features, diagnosis, & management of fibromyoma uteri
5. Write
signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids. How ill you manage a young female with
6. Discuss
aetiology, diagnosis, manage & complications of hydatiform mole
7. What
complications can occur in case of ovarian cyst. How will you diagnose &
treatment them.
8. What
are signs and symptoms of ovarian lump? Mention the complications. How will you
treatment a case of ovarian malignancy.
9. What
are the causes of acute abdomen in gynaecology. How will you treatment twisted
ovarian cyst.
10. What
are the factors deciding the line of treatment in a case of genital prolapse.
Outline steps of Mayo-ward operation.
11. Discuss
the management of 2nd. degree uterine prolapse in a 25 year woman
12. What
are the causes of the uterine prolapse. What are the conservative &
operative procedures for the same.
13. What
are the uterine supports? Give treatment of procidentia in a post-menopausal
14. What
are supports of genital tract? Discuss the factors influencing the line of
treatment in a case of uterine prolapse.
15. What
are conventional methods of contraception. Which couples would you consider fit
for these methods in modern practice.
16. What
are the indications of Laproscopy? Describe in detail Laproscopic
17. Mention
various methods of female sterilization. Describe 1 in detail with
18. What
are the therapeutic uses of hormones in gynaec
19. Role
of laproscopy in modern gynaec
20. Describe
the scope of endoscopy in gynaecology
21. What
are the causes of sterility? How will you investigate such a case. Detail
induction of ovulation.
22. What
are the different methods of detect Ovulation? Describe in detail the treatment
of Anovulation.
23. Discuss
cause, diagnosis, management of primary sterility in female
24. What
are methods of establishing tubal potency. Describe in detail 2 methods.
25. Write
investigations, aetiology, of secondary amenorrhoea
26. Enumerate
cause of secondary amenorrhoea. Give treatment & investigations of one
27. Discuss
differential diagnosis of post-menopausal bleeding & treatment of one cause
in detail
28. What
are various causes of post-menopausal bleeding. Discuss diagnosis, management
in detail
29. What
is menorrhagia? How will you investigate and treat a case of menorrhagia in the
reproduction age group?
30. Discuss
cause, diagnosis, treatment of endometriosis
31. What
are common causes of leucorrhoea? Discuss the management
32. Discuss
dysfunctional uterine bleeding, how would treatment such a case in an unmarried
girl of 16 years of age.
33. Write
about diagnosis, management of an ectopic pregnancy. How will you arrive at an
early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Mention newer methods of managing it
34. Give
the physiology & management of 3rd stage of labour
35. Describe
the physiology & management of normal labour
36. Enumerate
the complications following 3rd stage of labour and discuss PPH in detail
37. Discuss
aetiology, diagnosis, management of atonic PPH
38. Discuss
manage of case of APH
39. What
are causes of APH. How will you treatment a case of placenta praevia
40. How
will you differentiate between placenta praevia & accidental haemorrhage
41. Discuss
ANC manage of a primigravida. What is ANC? Give in details routine ANC
42. What
are methods of diagnosis of pregnancy. How will you manage ANC clinic? Give in
details importance of ANC
43. What
are causes of premature labour & how will you manage a premature baby
44. What
is Rh.isoimmunisation. Describe manage of a case of Rh-negative primi.
45. How
will you diagnose a case of breech presentation? Discuss management of breech
with extended legs in a primi.
46. Write
causes, management of a full term primi with floating head
47. Discuss
the diagnosis, management of incompetent cervix. Enumerate problems of
premature new born
48. What
is breech presentation ? What are the types? Describe in details management of
a gravida with breech in Antenatal period & labour.
49. What
is impacted neglected shoulder ? Give management in detail
50. Write
in details the aetiology, diagnosis, mange of right occipito-posterior
51. Give
indications & Complications of LSCS
52. What
are causes of cephalo-pelvic disproportion? Enumerate indications for L.S.C.S.
53. What
is forceps delivery. Describe various types, indications, complications,
advantages & disadvantage
54. Describe
types, aetiology, diagnosis, clinical features & manage its twin pregnancy
55. Å Describe
the methods of 1st trimester MTP. Enumerate its complications
56. Describe
the methods of 2nd trimester MTP. Enumerate its complications.
57. Describe
various types of female pelvis. How do they influence labour. Write in detail
management of eclamptic patient
58. Discuss
the manage of toxaemia of pregnancy
59. What
is ventouse? Give its advantages, disadvantages & complications
60. How
would you manage a pt. with cardia disease in pregnancy and labour
61. HOW
(1) Heart
(2) Tuberculosis
(3) Convulsions
(4) Anemia
(5) Diabetes
62. Discuss
the role of Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Obstetrics.
63. Give
causes, diagnosis and management of a case of Jaundice in New Born
Short Notes
1. Menstrual
2. Supine
hypotensive syndrome
3. Dyspareunia
4. Colpopuncture
5. Post
Coital test
6. Vaginal
7. Haematocolpos
8. Chocolate
9. Cervical
10. Pseudomucinogenous
11. Enterocoele
12. Complications
of I.U.D
13. Menopause
14. Use
of radiology in Obs. & Gyn
15. Vesicular
16. Role
of pelvic diaphragm
17. Puberty
18. Barrier
methods of Contraception
19. Signs
and symptoms of Cervical Cancer
20. Normal
Semen report
21. Hysterosalphingography
22. Simple
ovarian cyst
23. Asherman's
24. Oral
25. Ventouse
26. Non-stress
27. VVF
28. Patency
29. Ovarian
30. Oestrogen
31. Dermoid
32. Primary
33. Cystic
glandular hyperplasia
34. Monilial
35. Stein
Leventhal syndrome
36. I.U.C.D.
37. Azoospermia
38. Male
factors in infertility
39. Pap
40. Precocious
41. Post
Coital Bleeding
42. Turner's
43. Dysmenorrhoea
44. Supra-vaginal
elongation of cervix
45. Trichomoniasis
46. Bicornuate
47. Laproscopy
48. Krukenberg's
49. AIDS
50. Genital
51. Pudendal
52. Cervical
53. Hysteroscopy
54. Role
of ultrasonography in Obs
55. D.I.C.
56. Intra
uterine foetal death
57. Role
of ultrasonography in Gyn
58. Episiotomy
59. Missed
60. Complications
of MTP in
61. 3rd
degree perineal tear
62. 1st
63. Vacuum
64. Android
65. Lochia
66. 1st
trimester MTP
67. Methods
of 2 trimester MTP
68. Perineal
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