2nd BHMS  Question Paper of  MUHS  (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences,Nashik) are Given here.You click on image to see it bigger of download.

HMM 2nd BHMS Summer 2017  

HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA (HMM ) 1st BHMS Old Pattern BUt still useful for 2nd,3rd,4th BHMS

First B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer

(Phase - Ill : All Other Remaining UG PG Courses) - 2020


Total Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100


1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen) : [10 X 2 = 20]

a) Define Nosodes with 2 examples.

b) Define symptoms.

c) Location of headache of Silicea.

d) Dreams of Rhus tox.

e) Ailments from nux-vom].

t) Delirium of Bryonia. '

g) Physical constitution of Calc Phos.

h) Causative factors for Diarrhoea in Chamomilla.

i) Appetite of Cina child.

j) Common name and Family of Colchicum.

k) Characteristic about nausea and thirst of ipecac.

I) Tongue coating and craving of Antim Tart.

m) Constipation of Arnica.

n) Characteristic about the menses of Euphrasia.

o) Give oedema and thirst of Apis Mel.

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) : [4 X 5 = 20]

a) Give the Biochemic indications 0f CaleSulph.

b) Give the mentals of Antim Crud.

c) Give the physical generals of Dulcamara.

d) Give the guiding indications of Chamomilla.

e) Give the modalities ofBryonia.

f) Give the guiding indications GIT of ant crude.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) [4 X 5 = 20]

a) Give the G.I.T complaints of ipecac.

b) Give the joint complaints of Rhus Tax.

d) Give the bony complaints of Calc Plum.

e) Give the skin complaints of Silicea.

f) Give the respiratory complaints ofAllium Cepa.

g) Give the Urinary complaints ofApis Mel.


4. Long answer question (any two out of four) : [2 X 10 = 20]

a) Compare the eye complaints of Argentum Nit and Euphrasia.

b) Compare the injuries ofArnica and Ledum Pal.

c) Compare the fever of Aconite and Cinchona.

d) Compare the (1LT of Colchicum and Aloes.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7)

5. Enumerate the sources of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with an example each. [1 X 20 = 20]

6. Give the Drug Picture of Nux Vomica. [1 X 20 = 20]

7. Give the Drug Picture of Ferrum Phos. [1 X 20 = 20]

First B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer

(Phase - Ill : All Other Remaining UG PG Courses) - 2020


Total Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 

1) Useblue/black ballpoint pen"onIy.

2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If written anything,such typeof actMI!be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means.

3) All questions are compulsory.

4) The number to the fight indicates full marks.

5) Draw Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

6) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover the entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syIIabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done.

1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen) : [10 X 2 = 20]

a) Define Nosodes with 2 examples.

b) Define symptoms.

c) Location of headache of Silicea.

d) Dreams of Rhus tox.

e) Ailments from of Nux Vom.

f) Delirium of Bryonia. '

g) Physical constitution of Calc Phos.

h) Causative factors for Diarrhoea in Chamomilla.

i) Appetite of Cina child.

j) Common name and Family of Colchicum.

k) Characteristic about nausea and thirst of ipecac.

I) Tongue coating and craving of Antim Tart.

m) Constipation of Arnica.

n) Characteristic about the menses of Euphrasia.

o) Give oedema and thirst of Apis mel.

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) : [4 X 5 = 20]

a) Give the Biochemic indications 0f CaleSulph.

b) Give the mentals of Antim Crud.

(3) Give the physical generals of Dulcamara.

d) Give the guiding indications of Chamomilla.

e) Give the modalities of Bryonia.

f) Give the guiding indications GIT of ant crude.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) [4 X 5 = 20]

a) Give the G.I.T complaints of ipecac.

b) Give the joint complaints of Rhus Tax.

0) Give the bony complaints of Calc Plum.

(1) Give the skin complaints of Silicea.

6) Give the respiratory complaints ofAllium Cepa.

f) Give the Urinary complaints ofApis Mel.


4. Long answer question (any two out of four) : [2 X 10 = 20]

a) Compare the eye complaints of Argentum Nit and Euphrasia.

b) Compare the injuries ofArnica and Ledum Pal.

c) Compare the fever of Aconite and Cinchona.

f) Compare the (1LT of Colchicum and Aloes.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7)

5. Enumerate the sources of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with an example each. 

[1 X 20 = 20]

6. Give the Drug Picture of Nux Vomica. [1 X 20 = 20]

7. Give the Drug Picture of Ferrum Phos. [1 X 20 = 20]


  1. can you provide us the question paper of all sub up to 2015 to 2019

  2. I want all the Q papers of 2ndyear(2015) from win2018 to win2019.
    Can you provide me?
