HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA (2,5,10,15 Marks Pattern) 3rd BHMS

Homoeopathic Materia Medica


Q. 1. Write appropriate answers SAQ   (2 X 10)

1.   Two G.I.T. symptoms of Aethusa
2.   Skin of Ant –Crud
3.   Respiratory complaints of Ant. Tart
4.   Injury of  Arnica
5.   Characteristic symptoms of Arg – Met.
6.   Important symptoms of Can Indica

7.                    G.I.T. of Carbo Veg.
8.                    Rheumatism of causticum 
9.                    Mind symptoms of moschus
10.                Characteristic symptoms of Agaricus
11.                Female complaints of sepia
12.                G.I.T. of phosphorus
13.                Fever of Bapticia
14.                Renal complaints of Berb Vulg.
15.                Stool of Aloe soc
16.                Temperament of chamomilla Baby
17.                Colic of colocynthis 
18.                Two important indications of colchicum
19.                Nasal discharges of All Cepa
20.                G.I.T. of crot Tig
21.                Characteristic symptoms of Cup Mel
22.                Female complain of cyclamen
23.                G.I.T. of  Dioscorea
24.                Characteristic symptoms of Crot Hor.
25.                Female complaints of Ambra Grisea
26.                Mind symptoms of  Ignatia
27.                Leucorrhoea of  Borax
28.                Renal complaints of cantharis
29.                Liver complaints of chelidonium.
30.                Lacrimal discharges of Euphrasia
31.                G.I.T. symptoms of Ipecacuanha
32.                Injury of Ledum Pal
33.                Thermal relationship & Aggravation of silicea
34.                Characteristic mind symptoms of Calc Carb
35.                Glandular affections of Iodum
36.                Skin complaints of graphitis 
37.                G.I.T. of merc. Sol
38.                Mind symptoms of Pulsatilla
39.                Characteristic symptoms of Amm.Carb
40.                Heart complaints of Digitalis
41.                Respiratory of Drosera
42.                Important symptoms of Nat Carb
43.                Important Indications of Vert Alb.  
44.                Characteristic mind symptoms of calc-phos
45.                Fever of china
46.                Aggravation of Rhus Tox
47.                Characteristic mind symptoms of Arg Nit
48.                Characteristic symptoms of Calc Fluor
49.                Urinary complaints of Equisetum
50.                Mind symptoms of Hyoscyamus
51.                Heart complaints of kalmia
52.                Mind symptoms of Lachesis
53.                Aggravation of Lycopodium
54.                Characteristic symptoms of  Hep Sulph
55.                Female complaints of Platina
56.                Characteristic symptoms of Camphora
57.                Mind symptoms of Aur- Mel
58.                Characteristic symptoms of Agnus Cactus 
59.                Two characterize mind symptoms of Nux Vomica
60.                Two characteristic physical symptoms of Cina
61.                Tongue of Rhus Tox
62.                Aggravation of Bryonia Alba
63.                Diarrhoea of Arg-NiL
64.                G.I.T. of Asafoetida
65.                Mind symptoms of Baryta Carb
66.                Important indications of Benzoic Acid
67.                Mind symptoms of Bufo rana
68.                Characteristic physical symptoms of Belladonna
69.                Agg of Bismuth
70.                Mind symptoms of Ars Alb
71.                Headache of Gelsemium 
72.                GIT of Alumina
73.                Mind symptoms of Anacardium 

Q.2.Write short answers SAQ 5 Marks

1. Ledum Pal – Rheumatism
    2. Bryonia – Respiratory

3.                  Num Vom- G.I.T.
4.                  Gelsemium – Headache
5.                  Bapticia – Fever
6.                  Cantharis – Renal Complaints 
7.                  Colocynthis – colic 
8.                  All cepa- Coryza
9.                  Aloe – Piles
10.               Chelidonium – Liver Affections
11.               Drosera – Respiratory
12.               Anacardium – Mind
13.               Ant Tart – Chest Complaints 
14.         Aconite – Mind 
3.                  Cina – worm Infestations
4.                  Phosphorus – G.I.T
5.                  Arb Alb – Mind 
6.                  Ignatia – Characteristic symptoms
7.                  Arg Nit – G.I.T.
8.                  Ant Crd – Skin
9.                  Heps – Mind
10.               Nat Gavb- G.I.T.
11.               Berb Vulg – Renal Complaints 
12.               Euphrasia – Eye complaint
13.               Arnica – Fever
14.               Chamomilla – G.I.T.
15.               Calc Phos- Glandular Affections
16.               Camphora –Characteristic Symptoms 
17.               Platina –Mind
18.               Digitalis – Heart  Complaints

Q.3.write short answers  5 Marks  

         1.           Nit Acid- Mind
2.           Kalmia – Heart complaints 
3.           Iodum- Glands
4.           Naja- Characteristic Symptoms
5.           Lachesis – Female Complaints
6.           Dioscorrhoea- G.I.T.
7.           Baryta Carb- Characteristic Symptoms
8.           Belladonna – Head complaints 
9.           Bnfo Rana-Male Sexual complaints
10.       Cnn. Ind- Genitourinary
11.       Crot Tig. - G.I.T.
12.       Cyclamen – Menstrual Disorders
13.       Graphitis- Mind
14.    Kali Carb- Physical symptoms
15.       Lycopodium – Back Complaints
16.       Nat Mur- Headache
17.       Causticum- Mind
18.       Caladium- Male Genital Symptoms
19.       Arg- Met- Throat Affections
20.       Baryta Carb- Physical Generals
21.       Belladonna- Meningitis
22.       Benz-AGd- Gout
23.       Carbo Veg – Respiratory
24.       Cup- Met- Epilepsy
25.       Graphitis- Mind
26.       Iodum- G.I.T.
27.       Lachesis- Throat Affections
28.       Nat Mur – Female Complaints
29.       Pulsatilla- G.I.T.
30.       Crot Hor- Important Physical Symptoms

Q.No. 4.Long Answer Question (Compare & Contrast) 

1.           Cina and chamomilla- Baby
2.           Aconite and Bryonia- Fever
3.           Berb Vulg and Cantharis- Renal Affections
4.           Bufo and Caladium- Male complaints
5.           Kalmia and Digitalis – Heart complaints
6.           Silicea and Hep. Sulph – skin complaints
7.           Cyclamen and pulsatilla- Female complaints
8.           Colocynthis and Mag phos- Colic
9.           Nux Vomica and Arg.Nit- G.I.T
10.       Aur.Met and Ignatia –Mind
11.       Caboveg and Droserra- Respiratory
12.       Merc Sol & Lycopodium – Abdominal Complaints
13.       Euphrasia and All.Cepa- Nasal complaints
14.       Bapticia and Arb. Alb- Fever
15.       Platina and Sepia- Female complaints
16.       Gelsemium and causticum- Joint Affections 
17.    Colchicum and Merc. Sol- Dysentery
18.       Alumina and Bryonia- G.I.T.
19.       Equisetum and Cina- Worms
20.    Ant.t Drosera- Respiratory 


1.     Describe drug picture of Nux Vomica with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Physical generals
c)   Mental generals
d)   Gen. Modalities

2.     Describe drug picture of Phosphorus with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Mental symptoms
c)   G.I.T. symptoms & other physical Generals
d)   Gen. Modalities

3.     Describe drug picture of Sepia with reference to
a)   Mental symptoms
b)   Female complaints
c)   Respiratory complaints
d)   Gen. Modalities

4.     Describe drug picture of Arg.Nit with reference to
a)   Mental symptoms
b)   G.I.T. 
c)   Characteristic Physical Generals
d)   Gen.  Modalities

5.     Describe drug picture of Platina with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Mind
c)   Female Complaints
d)   Gen. Modalities

6.     Describe drug picture of Lycopodium with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Mind
c)   Genitourinary complaints
d)   Gen. Modalities

7.     Describe drug picture of Lachesis with reference to
a)   Mental symptoms
b)   Physical generals
c)   Throat affections
d)   Gen. Modalities

8.     Describe drug picture of Nat. Mur with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Mind
c)   Physical Generals
d)   Gen. Modalities

9.     Describe drug picture of Calc.Carb with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Mental symptoms
c)   Female complaints
d)   Gen. Modalities

10.  Describe drug picture of Merc Sol with reference to
a)   Mental symptoms
b)   G.I.T
c)   Other Physical Generals
d)   Gen. Modalities

11.  Describe drug picture of Hyoscyamus with reference to
a)     Mental symptoms
b)     Physical Generals
c)     Male complaints
d)    Gen. Modalities

12.  Describe drug picture of Iodum with reference to
a)   Constitution
b)   Mental symptoms
c)   Glandular Affection
d)   G.I.T.

13.  Describe drug picture of Carbo. Veg with reference to

a)   Constitution
b)   Mental symptoms
c)   Physical Generals
d)   Respiratory complaints

14.  Describe drug picture of Causticum with reference to
a)   Constitution 
b)   Mental symptoms
c)   Physical Generals
d)   Rheumatism

15.  Describe drug picture of Nit Acid with reference to
a)   Mental symptoms
b)   G.I.T.
c)   Physical Generals
d) Gen. Modalities


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