OBGY Paper II (Set I)

OBGY Paper II Question Bank  ( Set I)
Sub:- Ob/Gy -Paper-II
1.            Give the definition of Puberty.
2.            Enumerate five important physical changes evident during puberty.
3.            Write down the vaginal changes during puberty.
4.            Write down the definition of Precocious Puberty.
5.            What do you mean by Premature Thelarche.
6.            Give any four causes of Delayed Puberty.
7.            Give the definition of Menopause.
8.            Write down vaginal changes during Menopause.
9.            Give four features for diagnosis of Menopause.
10.       Write down four vasomotor symptoms during Menopause.
11.       Risk of Cardiovascular disease is high in Post-Menopausal women – Explain with reference to two points.
12.       Give the definition of Culdocentesis.
13.       Give four uses of Laser in Gynecology. 
14. Write two functions of Fallopian Tube.
15.          Write down functions of Doderlein’s Bacillus.
16.          Write down the definition of Pouch of Douglous.
17.          What is the normal length of the uterine cavity?
18.          Name parts of Fallopian Tube.
19.          Give the measurement of Fallopian Tube.
20.          Define infertility
21.          Mention the important factors responsible for fertility.
22.          Write down common causes of Male Infertility.
23.          Mention important causes of Female Infertility.
24.          Give four indications for Embryo or Oocyte donation.
25.          Mention the indications of Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
26.          State indications of IVF (Intra Vitro Fertilization).
27.          State different methods of ART (Aristed Reproductive Technology).
28.          Diagnostic indications of Laparoscopy in Infertility.
29.          Criteria for Ideal Contraceptives.
30.          State Temporary methods of Contraception.
31.          State permanent methods of Contraception.
32.          Write down any four advantages of Condoms.
33.          State any four disadvantages of Rhythm method.
34.          Write down indications for removal of IUD. 
35.          Give complications of IUD (Intra Uterine Devices) 36. Give complications of IUD (Intra Uterine Devices)
37.          Write down advantages of Copper-T.
38.          Disadvantages of Copper-T
39.          Write down the Contraceptives induced in Barrier Method.
40.          Contraception methods included in Natural Contraception. 41.  Conventional contraceptives methods includes
42.          State absolute contraindications of Oral Pills.
43.          State the definition of menorrhagia.
44.          Write down the common causes of Menorrhagia.
45.          Define Epimenorrhoea.
46.          Dive the definition of Metrorrhagia.
47.          Give the causes of acyclic bleeding.
48.          Write down causes of contact bleeding.
49.          Causes of intermenstrual bleeding.
50.          Write down common causes of Oligomenorrhoea.
51.          Define Oligomenorrhoea.
52.          What do you mean by the term Hypomenorrhoea.
53.          Give the definition of DUB (Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding).
54.          How is the Endometrial Pattern in DUB.
55.          Give any four conditions where there is abnormal menstrual bleeding.
56.          Give any four causes of Non menstrual bleeding.
57.          Give definition of Dysmenorrhea.
58.          Write down any four causes of spasmodic dysmenorrhea. 
59.          Write down clinical features of Primary Dysmenorrhea. 
60.          Give clinical features of Congestive Dysmenorrhea.
61.          Membranous dysmenorrhea is probably due to…………….
62.          Write down symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome.
63.          Give physiological types of Amenorrhoea.
64.          Write down the pathological types of Amenorrhoea. 
65.          Give the proper definition of Cryptomenorrhoea.
66.          State congenital causes of Cryptomenorrhoea.
67.          Define secondary amenorrhoea.
68.          By whom was polycystic ovarian syndrome described
69.          Give clinical features of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
70.          Explain the term Acanthosis nigricans in two sentences.
71.          Mention the long term consequences in a patient suffering from PCOS
(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
72.          Give common causes of uterine synechiae.
73.          Common causes of secondary amenorrhoea.
74.          Give the typical features found in Sheehan’s Syndrome.
75.          Write any four uses of Sim’s double bladed posterior vaginal speculum.
76.          Give uses of Cervical Dilators.
77.          Uses of Uterine Sound.
78.          State uses of Sponge Holding Forceps.
79.          Uses of Ovum Forceps.
80.          Give uses of Landon’s bladder retractor.
81.          Uses of Babcock’s forceps.
82.          Give any four reasons for painful conditions of the Vulva.
83.          Name types of Vaginal Cysts.
84.          Define Cervical Erosion.
85.          Give clinical features of Cervical Erosion.
86.          State names of Cervical Cysts.
87.          Complication of Fibroid.
88.          Name any four secondary changes in fibroids.
89.          Life threatening complications of fibroids.
90.          State some of the causes of symmetrical enlargement of the uterus.
91.          Differential diagnosis of Fibroid uterus.
92.          Five names of different types of Polyp in Benign and Malignant case.
93.          Give indications of Laparotomy in Ovarian Cyst.
94.          Give the definition of Endometriosis.
95.          State common sites of Endometriosis.
96.          Name the theory which explains pelvic endometriosis. 
97.          Coelomic metaplasia (Meyer & Ivan off) theory explains endometriosis at which site.
98.          Implantation theory explains endometriosis at which site.
99.          Give some clinical features of Pelvic Endometriosis. 
100.  What do you mean by Chocolate Cyst.
101.            State findings on bimanual examination in pelvic endometriosis.
102.            Define Adenomyosis.
103.            Mention naked eye appearance of Adenomyosis.
104.            State clinical features of Adenomyosis.
105.            Define stromal endometriosis.
106.            Clinical features of Stromal Endometriosis.
107.            Give etiology of Vulval Carcinoma.
108.            State etiology of Primary Vaginal Malignancy. 109.  Clinical features of Primary Vaginal Malignancy.’ 110.  Staging of Vaginal Carcinoma FIGO.
111.            Give classification of uterine sarcomas.
112.            Write down clinical features of carcinoma fallopian tube.
113.            Clinical features of sertoli-leydig cell tumours.
114.            Write down the length of anterior vaginal wall and posterior vaginal wall.
115.            Length of broad ligament.

Q2 Write short answers. (5 marks each)
1.              Write a short note on Doderlein’s Bacillus.
2.              Give a short description on Uterus.
3.              Write a note on Pouch of douglas.
4.              Write in short Hymen Abnormality.
5.              Genital organ changes during Puberty.
6.              Write a short note on Precocious Puberty.
7.              Describe organ changes during menopause.
8.              Define menopause and write in short vasomotor symptoms during menopausal period.
9.              According to Tanner, breast and pubic hair development at puberty are divided into five stages- explain.
10.          Write a short note on Menarche.
11.          Etio-pathology of Precocious Puberty.
12.          Write a short note on puberty menorrhagia.
13.          Explain osteoporosis in post menopausal women.
14.          Explain in detail menopausal symptoms 
15.          Describe in detail Non-hormonal treatment during Menopausal Period.
16.          Explain- why the hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is indicated in menopausal women.
17.          Define menopause and explain its types.
18.          Write a short note on secondary dysmenorrhea.
19.          Explain in short Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) 20.  Define dysmenorrhea. Explain Primary Dysmenorrhoea.
21.          Describe Mittelschmerz’s Syndrome.
22.          Explain Menorrhagia in detail.
23.          Define Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) and explain pathophysiology and general management in DUB.
24.          Explain causes of Infertility in Male and Female.
25.          Investigations carried out in Infertility in Male and Female.
26.          Write a short note on Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
27.          Explain-in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET)
28.          Write a short note on Cervical Fibroid.
29.          Describe fibroid polyp in details.
30.          Write a note in Dermoid Cyst.
31.          Explain differential diagnosis of the ovarian tumour.
32.          Explain Adenomyosis in detail.
33.          Explain clinical features of Pelvic Endometriosis.
34.          Explain sites of endometriosis i.e. in abdominal, extra abdominal and remote.
35.          Define endometriosis and explain its pathogenesis with the help of theories.
36.          Explain differential diagnosis of endometriosis.
37.          Explain pathology of Pelvic Endometriosis.
38.          Write a short note on classification of uterine sarcomas.
39.          Explain cryptomenorrhoea in detail.
40.          Write a short note on polycystic ovarian syndrome.
41.          Explain Primary Amenorrhoea in detail.
42.          Write a short note on permanent method of contraception in Male.
43.          Write a short note on permanent method of contraception in Female.
44.          Explain in short Barrier Methods of Contraception.
45.          Explain Intrauterine Contraception Devices.
46.          Write a short note on Rhytm method.
47.          Write note on natural contraception.
48.          Explain in short dilatation and curettage (D&C).
49.          Explain in detail types of cervical biopsy.
50.          Explain cryosurgery with its indication principle and procedure.
51.          Explain abdominal hysterectomy with its types and indications.
52.          Define pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and write a short note on PID.
53.          Write a note on Bartholin’s Cyst. 
54.          Vulvovaginitis in childhood – Explain.
55.          Write a note on Monialiasis.
56.          Explain Atrophic Vaginitis (Senile Vaginits).
57.          Explain in detail Cervicitis.
58.          Write a short note on Pelvic Abscess.

Q 3. Long Answer Question 
1.            Describe in detail vaginal abnormalities.
2.            Describe in detail Puberty, its morphological changes, endocrinology and genital organ changes during puberty.
3.            During Menopause and explain in detail organ changes during Menopause, Menopausal Syndrome and Management.
4.            Describe in detail physiology of Menstruation.
5.            Describe in detail Dysmenorrhoes.
6.            Describe in detail Genital Prolapse.
7.            Describe in detail Adenomyosis.
8.            Describe in detail Recto Vaginal Fistula.
9.            Describe in detail old complete perineal tear (CPT) 10.  Describe in detail permanent methods of contraceptions.
11.          Describe in detail Pruritus Vulvae, with its definition, mechanism of itching, etiology, investigation and treatment.
12.          Explain Vaginismus in detail.
13.          Define Leucorrhoea and explain in detail its causes.
14.          Explain Postmenopausal Bleeding with its causes, investigations and management.
15.          Write down types and indications of Abdominal Hysterctomy.
16.          Explain in detail Salphingitis.
17.          Explain in detail Pyometra.
18.          Explain in detail Vaginitis.

Q4. Long Answer Question (each question for 20 marks)
Q5. Describe in detail Amenorrhoea with the help of following points-
a.            Definition and clinical types (diagram)
b.           Explain – types.
c.            Aetiology.
d.           Investigation and Management.
Q6. Explain contraceptive in detail with the help of following given points.
a.            What do you mean by Ideal Contraceptive.
b.           Methods of Contraceptions.
c.            Explain – Temporary methods of Contraceptions.
d.           Explain – Permanent methods of Contraceptions.

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