(Final Year Old 5 marks Pattern)

Short Notes

Give Indications of :
1.       Arg M, Ambr G,Acid Benz,Ac Oxal, Ac Fl,
2.       Ac Sulp,Ac Mur, Apoc, Bac c, Bell, Crot, Arsl, Eryg, Ferr M, Hyos, Hep S
3.       Lys,Mosch, Mille f, Meny,Calad,Coca,Ferr P, Lac C
4.       Melit, Murex, Merc S, Mez, Merc Cyn, Onosm, Phos, Pyr, Pass,Ruta,Rum,Rhem,
5.       Rhod,RanB,RadBr,Sab,Stram,SyzgJ,Samb,Sani,Symp,StitP,Staph,SangC,SecC,
6.       Sabad ,Spig,Taren C,Tarax ,Ther ,Thap B,Tab,UrtU, VincM, Ustil,Valer,VibOp,Vip,
7.       VertV, Variol,X-Ray,Zinc M
8.       C.V.S. Symptoms:Spig,Vip,Taba,VertV, Naja,Crat, AurMet ,NatM,Gels,
9.       CHILD:Abort,Bor,BorC,CalC,Kreos,NatM,NatC,Rheum,Sanic,Thyrd
10.   MIND: AurMet, Ac Phos,Canbl,KaliC,Murex,MerecS ,MagC, Plumb M,
11.   Psor,Mosch,Sep,Staph,Sul, Stram ,Taren C ,Zinc M
12.   NEUROLOGICAL  DISORDERS:Allium C, Coff,Cham,Hyper,Puls,RanB,
13.   Sping ,Sang
14.   ASTHMA :AmmC,AntT,Dros,Ip,Lob,KaliC,Medh,Spong,Kalic,
15.   COLIC :BerbV,Colic, Diosc, Con M. Medh,MagP,Tabac
16.   F.R.S.: Helon,Murex,Puls,Stram,Sab,Trill,ThalpB,VibOp,
17.   MENORRHAGIA:Lach,Sabina,SecC,VibOp,
18.   C.N.S.INVOLVEMENT : Agar, PicAc,Plumb,Theri,ZnM
19.   SKIN SYMPTOMS:Bov,Mez,Petr,Sele,Urt U,Variol,X-ray AntC
20.   RESP SYMPTOMS:CorR,Mosch,Rumex,Stan M, Sabad, Samb,Sticta P
21.   COUGH :CorR,Cina,CoccC.Dros,StanM,AntT
22.   RHEUMATISM :Asaf, AcOx,Kalm,Staph,Sars,Rhod,RanB,
23.   PAIN :PIbM,Raph,Rhod,Rath,Symp,StanM
24.   APTHOUS :Aeth Bor,HydrasC
25.   PSYCHIC:Ign,Mosch,NatM,TarH
26.   SYCOYIC SYMPTOMS: Dulc, Medh,NatS,Thuja,
27.   MARASMUS :Aeth,Abort,CalFl,Iod,Sep
29.   PILES: Acids-Fl,Mur,Nit,
30.   KIDNEY : BerbV,OccC,Sarsp
32.   G.I.T.:Colch,Abies MercS,PlbM,Ruta
33.   DYSPEPSIA:Sul Ac,AntC,AntT
34.   RECTAL COMPLAINTS: Ruta,Rath,MurAc,MercS,PlbM,Collin
35.   DIABETES:PhosAc, Szyg
36.   EYE COMPLAINTS : Physo, Onosm,
37.   URINARY TRACT AFFECTIONS:Saras, Sabals,Tereb
38.   CONSTIPATION: Sanicula
40.   BACKACHE: RadBr
42.   CHILL:Chin,NatM
46.   HEADACHE:Menyanth
47.   PNEUMOIA: Sang C
49.   COLLAPSE:Camph,Tab
50.   MIGRAINE:Onos
51.   ASIATIC CHOLERA:Camph, ver alb
52.   MASTITIS:Phyt
53.   ABSCESS:Sil,Heps
56.   DROPSY:AceticAc
59.   BUGS:Coccaine
60.   INSOMNIA:Coff Pass
61.   MALARIA:NatM
63.   WARTS:Thuja
64.   ULCERATION:Carb An
65.   GERIATICS: bufor
67.   NEURALGIA:Valer
69.   TUMOR:Con
70.   TONIC:Aven Sat

Long Questions

1.       Stannum narcosis & symptomatic information obtained.
2.       Write detailed guiding indication of BarC. Compare BarC & CalC milestones
3.       Describe the drug picture of Stramonium
4.       Discuss Zinc Met drug picture
5.       Give brief description of Menyanthes
6.       Write on essay on Radium Br.
7.       Describe drug picture of Lachesis Name inimical, antidotal, complementary remedies.
8.       Describe drug picture of Silicea
9.       Describe drug picture of Mezereum
10.   Sepia lady is said to be at variance with circumstances.
11.   Present the drug picture of a typical Sepia lady in her various feminine phases & stages
12.   Describe  the  characteristics features of Staph. & contrast its urinary symptoms with Sabal Ser.
13.   Describe drug picture of Mercurius
14.   Describe Merc Sol in detail outlining the sycotic aspect as well.
15.   Describe the general characters of Mercurius & give indications of its use in clinical conditions
16.   What are the common symptoms of Mercury group. Describe drug picture of MercDulcis
17.   Enumerate Acids & give common symp of Acids. Compare NitAc with MuraticAc
18.   Write in detail Tubercular & Syphilitic expression of Acids. Describe Pic Ac in detail.
19.   Mention broad based pathogenesis of Acids & develop the core picture of Sulphuric Acid.
20.   Discuss general features of Acids & describe in short drug picture of Phos Acid.
21.   Describe common symptoms of Potassium & give drug picture of Kali Carb
22.   Give common symptoms of Metals. Describe drug picture of Argentum Met
23.   Write brief account of Silvers & trace syphilitic traits in them
24.   Give group symptoms of Noble group elements. Compare Silver with Quicksilver.
25.   Describe common symptoms of Carbons & differentiate between Carb Veg & CarbAnim
26.   Enumerate the remedies & group symptoms of Carbons. Compare any two in syphilitic dimensions.
27.   Life history of Spiders & symptoms derived from their habits.
28.   What are the features of Spiders? Describe the drug picture of Tarentula Cub.
29.   Give the basic principles of Biochemic system of medicine & compare them with Homoeopathic principles.
30.   Describe First Aid action of Ferr Phos
31.   Give the concept of Health, Cure & Disease with reference to biochemic therapy.
32.   Explain physio-chemical reaction of NatP,Sil, Kalip, CalFl
33.   Write insufficiency disorders of NatM, Kalip, CalP, MalP, CalFl, KaliM, MagP.
34.   Compare & contrast Homoeopathic & Biochemic system of medicine.
35.   How will you approach a case of fever ? Describe Pyrogen fever.
36.   What skin totality will you make for itching. Describe Mezereum & Psorinum in detail for the same.
37.   What do you understand by remedies acting in cycle. Give 3 such cycles. Discuss its practical utility in homoeopathic prescribing.
38.   Name 3 remedies covering oedema & compare them
39.   What are your grounds for selecting Sticta P in respiratory problems. How will it differ from Millefolium.
40.   Compare & contrast any 5 remedies for Depression.
41.   Discuss 3 convulsive remedies from CicV, NuxV Opium, CalC.
42.   Describe Aloe, Aesc, NitAc, in Haemorrhoids
43.   Compare & contrast 5 remedies for Irritability
44.   What do you mean by Neurosis & Psychosis ? Mention 3 homoeopathic drugs for each condition & characteristic indications of 1 remedy for each condition.
45.   What are nosodes ? Describe salient features of Syphilinum.
46.   Define nosodes. Give 3 examples. Present drug picture of Tuberculinum.
47.   Give the symptoms of preferential location of Thyroidinum, Pyrogen.
48.   Describe the drug picture of Psorinum.
49.   Describe the drug picture of Syphilinum.
50.   Mention important generalities & modalities of Tuberculinum.
51.   Write short essay on Thyroidinum.
52.   Describe the general traits of syphilitic miasm & give its evidence in pathogenesis of Plumb.Met.
53.   Give brief description of Plumb.met & indicate its relationship with other drugs.
54.   Write in detail Aetio-physio-pathological generals & modalities of Zinc Met. Relate its psoric dimensions with PhosAc at mental level.
55.   Define Tri-Miasmatic remedy. Discuss with examples Cal Ost as a classic Hahnemannian trimiasmatic remedy.
56.   Trace the sycotic evidence of Selenium & suggest the common grounds with Syphilinum.
57.   Describe the `Pre-Tubercular' state of Phosphorus.
58.   Give the general symptoms pertaining to psoric miasm & discuss the drug picture of NatM.
59.   Describe the sycotic expression of skin symptoms. Describe skin symptoms of Petr, Psor, Mez.


1.       Rheum - Nat S & ActeaRac
2.       Skin - Dulc & Graph , Mez & Psor
3.       Dysentry _ Ipec & Podo
4.       Headache _ Glon & Gels
5.       Kalis & Sul ,Cham & AntC, Ign & Sep, Medh, ArgN,Anac, Lyco
6.       Constipation _ Sele & StanM, Sele & Sani
7.       Uterine affections _ Sab & 'Ustil, Ustil & Trill p
8.       Coryza _ Sabad & Sanicula
9.       Resp. complaints _ Sabad & Sanicula
10.   Urinary complaints _ Terb & Saras, Crocus S & Canth , Apis & Canth
11.   Haemorrhage _ Mill & Triip
12.   Trauma/Injury -  Syp & Ruta, Bellisp & Hyper
13.   Rheumatism - Kalmia & LedumP
14.   Liver disorder - Chel & Lyco
15.   C.N.S. disorder - AgarM & NuxV
16.   Aneamia - Puls & Ferr M
17.   Glandular complaints -  Rhod & Merc S 
18.   C.V.S. - Naja & Vipera AurumM & Cact, Spig & Naja
19.   Genito Urinary - Amm Carb & Bov, Apis & Canth
 20.   Rectal comp - NitAc & Aesc, MurAc & Ratanh
21.   Flatulent comp - Raph & PhosAc
22.   Typhoid - PhosAc & MurAc
23.   Backache - Variolinum & PicAc
24.   Sore throat - Phyt & Bapt
25.   Delusion - Stramm & Petr
26.   Neuratic pains - Spig & Menyan
27.   Inflammatory disorder - Bell & Bry
28.   Destructive disorder - NitAc & FluorAc
29.   Sycotic manifestation _ Caust & Thuja
30.  Syphilitic dimension - Kreos & Condur, MerS & MerC

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