ORGANON OF MEDICINE (Old 5 marks Pattern) for 2nd Year

ORGANON OF MEDICINE (Old 5 marks Pattern) for 2nd Year

Full Questions

1.       What are basic principles of homoeopathy system of medicine
2.       What is vital force? Mention its synonyms & enumerate its qualities in detail
3.       How does it respond unaided in disease?
4.       Explain the concept of vital force.  Discuss its role in heath, disease & cure
5.       Discuss the concept of health, disease, & cure in Homoeopathy
6.       What is concept if ideal cure in Homoeopathy. How do you  explain recovery
7.       Throw light on natures law of cure & explain how does homoeopathic cure take place?
8.       What is  Nature's law of cure? Discuss what you  know  about  therapeutic law of cure.
9.       How did Hahnemann  derive  law  of Similars
10.   What  is  natures law of cure. Give  examples & state its inconveniences. How is a homoeopathic physician better equipped to effect a cure?
11.   Define the law of cure. Discuss how Hahnemann arrived at it.
12.   Explain how cure takes place with help of homoeopathic medicine
13.   Differentiate  between primary & secondary action Explain giving examples
14.   Differentiate  between primary & secondary action of medicines
15.   What happens when two similar & two dissimilar diseases meet in nature Give examples
16.   What is Totality of Symptoms? Explains in detail
17.   How will you make `Potrait' of  a diseased person
18.   Dr. Hahnemann refers to a homoeopathic physician as a 'true practitioner of the healing art with a Mission' Justify
19.   Explain aphorism one. The physicians high & only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed
20.   Who is the true practitioner of healing art & preserver of health according to Dr. Hahnemann?
Explain clearly.
21.   Discuss in details classification of the causes with illustrative examples
22.   Define cause. Give Dr. Hahnemann's classification of cause with examples.
23.   How do you classify causes of diseases? Describe each with suitable examples.
24.   Why was Dr. Hahnemann dissatisfied with the course of events.
25.   Write  the life sketch of Dr. Hahnemann in short & justify the statement "Hahnemann changed the medicine of speculation into the medicine of experiment"
26.   Discuss in details the knowledge, duties of homoeopathic physician
27.   What are the different types of treatment mentioned in organon? Give their advantages & disadvantages
28.   Write in short life sketch of Dr. Hahnemann
29.   Discuss in the childhood & college experiences of Dr. Hahnemann.
30.   Write an essay on potrait of disease

Short Notes

Vital Force
Exciting cause
Fundamental cause
Materia peccans
Curative power of drug
Cinchona & homoeopathy
Primary & secondary action
Brousseau's method of treatment
Suspended animation
Dynamic action of drug
Double complex disease                  
Potrait of disease                          
Mission of physician 
Works of Dr. Hahnemann               
 Dr. Hahnemann's literary work 
Knowledge of medicinal power     
 Discovery of homoeopathy.           
 Hippocrates "Father of medicine"          
Unprejudiced observer  
Describe childhood of Dr. S.
Difference between 5 & 6 editions of organon
Why is homoeopathic treatment non-violent 
Dr. H. A.Roberts                   
Aude Sapre 
Cure & recovery                      
Organon of medicine                  
6th edition of organon                 
Different editions of organon        
Antipathic treatment               
Artificial disease
Complex disease               
Dynamic influence 
Vital principle in health & disease  
Artificial morbific agent 
Aphorism no.1
Ideal cure 
Hippocrates-The observer.            
Pseudochronic Disease        
Primary & Secondary action
Materia Peccans               
Vital force                  
Concept of Vital force
Therapeutic law of cure       
Portrait of Disease          
Life, health, disease and cure
Dont's of a physician
Causa Occasionalis            
Acute case taking            
Suppression of its management
Genus epidemicus            
Chronic Miasms              
Genus Epidemicus & its importance
Acute measures
Trinity of life              
The fundamental cause
Importance of objective symptoms
Dynamic action                
Acute diseases               
Organon of Medicine
Partial Recovery               
The Best Prover
Preserver of health           
Totality of symptom
Homoeopathic Specific
Plussing method               
Ideal power                
Hering's law of cure
Mental Symptoms               
Doctrine of signatures       
Unprejudiced observer
Apparent amelioration         
Recent symptom               
Concomitant symptom
Approach to case-taking in acute disease.                  
Evolution of disease:-Prodrome,
Functional, Structural stages
Change of plan of treatment

Suspended animation                      

Nature's law of cure

Dynamic influence

Incomplete symptom

Key note symptom


William Boericke


Full Questions

1.       Classify diseases as per the plan followed in the organon. Discuss role of Homoeopathy in prophylaxis and treatment of epidemic diseases. How would you prevent in single individuals if genus epidemicus is not known.
2.       How will you take care of a Epidemic disease? What is Genus Epidemicus?
3.       How will you form the "Conceptual Image"  of the Disease.
4.       Define Disease. Classify diseases according to organon. Give causes of different types  of diseases according to classification.
5.       Classify in brief the diseases. How will you take up a case of an epidemic disease.
6.       What is the cause of Disease? Explain the theory of Chronic Miasm.
7.       Explain the theory of Miasm.
8.       What are the factors which decide the susceptibility in a given case.
9.       What is decreased susceptibility? What would be its therapeutic implications?
10.   What is the importance of Diagnosis on Homoeopathic practice? How does it help in assessment of the susceptibility? What therapeutic implication it leads to.
11.   What is susceptibility? Describe in brief the factors which modified the susceptibility.
12.   What is susceptibility? What is its importance in Homoeopathic practice?
13.   Define susceptibility. How will you assess the susceptibility of a patient?
14.   Explain in details the qualities of vital force and the role it plays in Health, disease and recovery.
15.   What are the Cardinal Principals of Homoeopathy? Explain in detail the doctrine of Vital Force.
16.   What  reactions are possible after the administration of Medicine? Which response is best according to Dr.Kent? Explain all reactions with samples.
17.   What is Remedy Reaction? What are the factors on which this reaction is dependent? What is its importance? Describe in brief various types of "Ameliorations"?
18.   What is Remedy Reaction. Describe in brief  various types of aggravation.
19.   What are the different aggravations which can occur after the administration of a drug. 
20.   What would be your next line of actions after each of these responses?
21.   Discuss the scope and limitation of the Homoeopathic system of medicine. Describe in brief how "Homoeopathic Cure" takes place.
22.   How law of similar was derived? Explain.
23.   Explain in brief the evolution of medicine.
24.   Discuss the scientific aspect of Homoeopathy.
25.   Differentiate between:
a. 1)Acute and Chronic diseases (2)Allopathy  and Homoeopathy  (3) Indisposition and Disease 
26.   Describe in brief:
(1)             Qualification of a physician (2) Duties of a physician (3) Qualities expected of a physician in proper case taking
27.   Draw a pen portrait of the physician.
28.   What is Drug Proving? When it is conducted? Outline about how it is conducted as given in organon.
29.   How is the pathogenecity of the drug substances assessed? Who is the best prover? Why? 
30.   Define Idiosyncrasy."Idiosyncrasy is an apparent inability to make an impression on all provers".
31.   What is Idiosyncrasy? Explain with examples. What is its implications in Drug Proving and treatment? Differentiate it from allergy.
32.   Disease acts conditionally while the drug acts conditionally. Explain the statement. What is Idiosyncrasy?
33.   Discuss in detail the methodology of "Drug Proving" in Homoeopathy.
34.   Describe the process of knowing the pathogenecity of the drug.
35.   Describe important aspects of Homoeopathic Case Taking of a Chronic Case? What are the common difficulties in the process?
36.   What is conceptual image? How to  form it? What are other methods of erecting a totality?
37.   What do you mean by Totality of Symptoms? What is its importance? What are different methods of forming Totality?
38.   Classify the symptoms and explain the importance of location and concomitant.
39.   Describe in brief the outstanding features of Homoeopathic Case taking.
40.   What is symptomatoloy? Define a complete symptom. Give in brief various types of symptoms which may be available in a case.
41.   Discuss  in detail the method of case taking as per instruction given in organon.
42.   What is a Second prescription?
43.   Classify  mental  symptoms  in details. Give illustrative examples. Evaluate them with examples.
44.   What is remedy reaction. Discuss the factors on which it is dependent. What are the various possibilities when new symptoms come up.
45.   Write an essay on knowledge of Physician.
46.   Describe important aspects of homoeopathic case taking of an acute case. Specify about the epidemic case, discuss importance of genus epidemics.
47.   What is remedy reaction? Give Dr. Kent's  observations in this regard with their interpretation.
48.   What is idiosyncrasy? What are its implications in drug proving? What caution is required in treating an idiosyncratic individual?
49.   Define the term "MISSION". What according to Dr. Hahnemann should the mission of homoeopathic physician be?
50.   Define "SUSCEPTIBILITY" Describe its role in Homoeopathic Cure, Homoeopathic  prescribing, Suppression, Epidemics. Evaluation of disease.
51.   What do you understand by Portrait of the disease and drug picture. Give their similarities and differences
52.   Write in brief "Original unmodified picture" of disease.
53.   Write in brief "Significance of common symptoms".
54.   What is idiosyncrasy. Discuss its implications.
55.   What is the scope of Homoeopathy in modern  day practice. 
56.   Give the importance of clinical diagnosis in Homoeopathic practice.
57.   Give in detail the method of knowing the therapeutic properties of a drug.

Short Notes

1.       Suspended animation                               
2.       William Boericke
3.       Paracelsus
4.       Key note symptom
5.       Boenninghausen
6.       Nature's law of cure
7.       Dynamic influence
8.       Incomplete symptom

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