4th (Final) BHMS MUHS university Question Papers

MUHS (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences - [MUHS], Nashik) Previous Years  Question Papers

Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer 2018
Total Duration : 3 Hours
Total Marks : 100
Instructions: 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only.
2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question
paper. If written anything, such type of act will be considered as
an attempt to resort to unfair means.
3) All questions are compulsory.
4) The number to the right indicates full marks.
5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
6) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover
entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a
mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any
question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As
it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. (10x2=20)

Q1.Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
A) Write any two remedies for glaucoma.
B) Write delirium in agaricus muscarius.
C) Write constipation of opium in shorts.
D) Write two keynotes symptoms of bovista.
E) Write characteristic of discharge in Hepar sulph.
F) Write two keynotes of Bismuth.
G) Write two keynotes of heart complaints in Cactus G.
H) Write two keynotes of Agnus castus.
Write two keynotes of Benzoic Acid.
J) Write two keynotes of onosmodium.
K) Write Thirst in Acetic Acid.
L) Write two keynotes of injury of Hypericum.
M) Write Keynotes of Headache in Natrum mur.
N) Write tongue of Muriatic Acid.
O) Write Indication of skin complaints in Asterias Rubens.

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Explain in detail coryza in Arum Triphyllum
b) Explain Baby of Baryta carb.
C) Explain mind Symptoms of cannabis Indica.
d) Describe G.I.T complaint of plumbum met.
e) Write Anemia in ferrum mot.
F. Write General symptoms of mag phos.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Write Baby of Borax.
b) Explain Glandular affections in Phytolacca Decandra.
c) Describe Female Complaint's in Alumina.
d) Write Impotence in caladium.
e) Write GIT Complaint of Lycopodium.
f) Explain Epilepsy in Bufo Rana.

4. Long answer question (any two out of four) :

(2x1 a) Compare Heart complaint's of digitalis and Naja Tripudia.
b) Explain in detail Urinary complaints of cannabis Sativa and Berberis vulgaris.
c) Rheumatism of Actaea Spicata and Actaea Racemosa.
d) Female Complaints of platina and pulsatilla.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7)
5. [Long answer question]
Write in detail the drug picture of Arsenic Album under following headings :
A) Introduction and Constitution. B) Guiding Symptoms.
C) Mind. D) Particular and modalities.
6. [Long answer question]
Write in details the drug picture of Belladona under following Headings : A) Introduction and Constitution. B) Guiding Symptom. C) Mind. D) Particular and Modalities.
7. [Long answer question]
Write in details the drug picture of Lachesis under following Headings :
A) Introduction and Constitution. B) Mind C) Particular's D) Modalities.

Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer 2018
Total Duration : 3 Hours
Total Marks :
Instructions: 1) Use blue/black ball point pen only.
2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question
paper. If written anything, such type of act will be considered
as an attempt to resort to unfair means. 3) All questions are compulsory. 4) The number to the right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 6) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done.

1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
A) Tongue and modalities of Antim crud.
B) Respiratory symptoms of Acalypha Indica.
C) Hemorrhoids of Aloe socotrina.
D) Two peculiar features of Baryta Mur.
E) Constipation of Mag mur.
F) Headache of Spigelia.
G) Fever of Cedron.
H) Eye symptoms of Euphrasia.
1) Urine of Colchicum autumnale.
J) Modalities of Psorinum.
K) Cough of Sambucus.
L) Colic of Dulcamara.
M) Bone pain of Eupatorium perf.
N) Write Rhus tox Tongue.
0) Modalities of Chamomilla.
2. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Female complaints of Lilium tig.
b) Urinary Symptoms of Sarsaparilla.
C. Write down physical general symptoms of Bryonia alb.
d) Headache of Aconite.
e) Bone complaints of Ruta.
F. Ipecac - vomiting.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Respiratory complaints of Lobelia inflata.
b) Skin complaints of urtica urens.
c) Female complaints of viburnum opulus.
d) Apis - Mal - UTI. e) Baby of Silicea.
f) Indications of Ferrum phos in fever.

4. Long answer question (any two out of four) : compose
a) Baby of Chamomilla and China.
b) Headache of Glonoine and Melilotus alba.
C) GIT complaints of Arg.nit and Nux.vomica.
d) Fluoric acid and Carbolic acid in Ulcers.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7)

5. Long answer question : (1x20=20)  
What is Temperament ? Describe different types of Temperament? What are the
different sources of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Definitions ?

6. Long answer question :  (1x20=20)
Describe Drug picture of Rhus tox.
7. Long answer question : (1x20=20)
Describe drug Picture of Medorrhinum.
Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination,Summer 2018
Total Duration : 3 Hours                      Total Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Uso blue/black ball point pen only.
2) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper.
If written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt
to resort to unfair means. 3) All questions are compulsory. 4) The number to the right indicates full marks. 5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary. 6) Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution
has been done.

1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
a) Who was Apollo ?
b) What are the contributions of Dr. Richard Hughes
c) What are the various dimensions of health ?
d) What is environment ?
e) Name the pioneers of Chinese Medicine.
f) Define Totality of Symptoms.
9) Differentiate between drug, medicine and remedy.
h) State Nature's Law of Cure.
(1) State Law of Similars.
1) What are the disadvantages of Allopathy?
k) What are Clinical symptoms ?
l) Define Suppression.
m) Who is an Ideal Prover?
n) What is Kent's eighth observation ?
o) What is the principle of Siddha system of Medicine ?

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) : (4x5=20)
a) Contributions of Dr. H.C Allen.
b) Contributions of Wilhelm Schuessler.
c) Conversion of Dr. Kent to Homoeopathy.
d) Dr. Boenninghausen : as a Botanist.
e) Low Susceptibility.
f) Recovery.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Diathesis.
b) Temperaments.
c) Complete symptom.
d) Latent Psora.
e) Characteristic Symptoms.
f) Enantiopathy.


4. Long answer question (any two out of four) (2x10=20) :
a) Discuss interaction between agent, host and environment.
b) Define Susceptibility and discuss the factors determining it.
c) What are the limitations of Homoeopathy?
d) What is Genus Epidemicus

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7):
5. Long answer question :
Discuss Renaissance period, it's Pioneers and their contributions.
6. Long answer question :
Explain scope and limitations of Various systems of medicine in detail.
7. Long answer question:
Define second prescription and state it's types.

Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer 2018


Total Duration: Section A+B= 3 Hours 

Total Marks : 100 SECTION - A & SECTION - B

1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
A) What is drug dynamization ?
B) Define Recovery. -
C) What are concomitant symptoms ?
D) What is Materialism?
E) What is a complete symptom ?
F) What are remedies that follow well ?
G) Who is a best prover?
H) What are obstacles to recovery?
1) What is Medical Sciolism?
J) What is Therapeutic Nihilism?
K) What are Grade I symptoms ?
L) Mention two modalities of Sycosis miasm. -
M) State Law of Cure.
N) Define Idiosyncrasy.
0) What is a Chronic disease ?
2. Write short answer (any four out of six):
a) Simple substance.
b) Internal Man.
c) Value of Symptoms.
d) Substantialism.
0) Scope of Homoeopathy.
Drug Potential.
3. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Discuss Sycosis as over-construction.
b) Temporamonts.
c) Susceptibility aa Vacuum.
d) Second Best Remedy.
e) Infinitesimal Dose.
f) Dako's Criteria for Homoeopathic Drugs.

4. Long answer question (any two out of four):
a) What is Pathology of Homoeopathy?
b) What are the Fundamental Laws of Homoeopathy?
le taken during case
c) Discuss Value of Symptoms. What are the preenus dans
d) What is Deflected current

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7)
5. [Long answer question]
What is Second Prescription according to Dr Kent?
(1x20-20) 6.
[Long answer question]
Discuss Vital Force in Health, Disease, Cure and Recovery according to Roberts,
7. Long answer question
Discuss Posology as per S. Close guidelines.

Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer 2018
Total Duration : 3 hours
Total Marks : 100

  1. Write short: answer (any ten out of fifteen):
a) What is Nasal Lupus ?
b) Mention any four causes of cough with wheezing.
c) Deline Bronchieclasis.
d) Mention Causative Organism of Influenza and types of it
e) Mention Causative Organism of Tetanus with two clinical features.
1) Mention Four Causes of acute abdominal pain.
g) Define Microglossia and mention two causes of it
h) Define Palmar Erythema and Mention four causes of it -
1) Define Scurvy and Mention causes of it
D Four causes of hyponatraemia.
k) Define hypoglycemia and Four clinical features of it.
Mention four complications of obesity.
m) Define Goitre and Mention types of it
n) Define Hirsutism and mention four causes of th.
0) Define frost bite.

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Causes of Haemoptysis.
b) Anorexia nervosa.
c) Beriberi.
d) Causes of ascites.
e) Hodgkin's disease.
f) Chikun gunya.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Define dyspnoea and causes of it.
b) Hypothermia.
c) Down syndrome.
d) Cardiospasm or Achalasia of the cardia.
e) Causes of splenomegaly.
f) Pyrexia of unknown origin.
4. Long answer question (any two out of four):
a) What is Rickets? Write aetiology. clinical features, and complications of it. b) What is Cholecystitis 7 Describe its aetiology, causes, clinical features of it. c) What is Measles ? Discuss in detail. d) Discuss diagnostic criteria of Lung Abscess, its investigations, clinical features and complications.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7).

5. Long answer question:
Describe in detail about aetiology, clinical features, investigations and general
management of Irritable bowel syndrome.

6. Long answer question:
What is Diabetes mellitus ? Write types, etiology, clinical features, complications, investigations of it.

7. Long answer question :
What is typhoid fever ? Write clinical features, Investigations, complications, and D/D of Enteric fever.
04801 B
Fourth BHMS (New) Examination, Summer 2018
Total Duration : 3 Hours          
Total Marks : 100
1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
a) Defined Psoriatic arthritis.
b) Defined Aplastic Anaemia.
c) Causes of Angina Pectoris.
d) What is Atrial Flutter?
e) Causes of Infective Endocarditis.
f) Defined Bell's Palsy.
g) Defined Narcolepsy.
h) Causes of Chronic Renal Failure.
i) Causes of Acute Pyelonephritis.
j Complications of Cholelithiasis.
k) Defined Cholangitis.
l Defined Dementia.
m) Signs of Delirium.
n) What is Acne Vulgaris ?
o) Defined Herpes Genitalis:  
2. Write short answer (any four out of six) :
a) Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy.
b) Hyponatremia.
c) Anorexia Nervosa.
d) Discuss Pruritus.
e) Pernicious Anaemia.
f) Fallot's Tetralogy.

3. Write short answer (any tour out of six) :
a) Aetiology and Clinical Features of Poliomyelitis.
b) Define Lower Urinary Tract Infection.
c) Discuss Molluscum Contagiosum.
d) Define Infantile Beriberi.
e) Discuss Hypokalaemia.
f) Define Polycythemia Vera.

4. Long answer question (any two out of four):
a) Discuss Gonorrhea in detail.
b) Discuss Nephrotic Syndrome and clinical features.
c) Defined Schizophrenia with Clinical Features.
d) Discuss Constrictive Pericarditis.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7):
5. Long answer question :Describe EPILEPSY under following heads :
Aetiology, Clinical features, Complications and diagnosis.

6. Long answer question :
Describe HYPERTENSION under following head: Aetiology, Clinical features, Complications and diagnosis.

7. Long answer question :
Describe CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKAEMIA under following head: Aetiology. Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Complications.

Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer 2018 COMMUNITY MEDICINE 

Total Duration : 3 Hours 

Total Marks : 100
1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
a) Mention four Modes of Direct Transmission
b) Mode and time of administration of MMR vaccine.
c) Define Incidence and write two uses.
d) Mention any four investigations in diabetes mellitus.
e) Any four complications of Mumps.
Iceberg Phenomenon of Disease.
g) Mention any four side effects of Hormonal contraceptives.
h) Functions of Health Communication.
i) Mention any 4 sources of health information.
j) Any four functions of Primary Health Centre.
k) lodine Deficiency disorders.
l) Criteria for risk mother during ANC.
m) Mention any four effects of Radiation.
n) Trace elements.
o) Enumerate three steps in Planning.

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) : (4x5=20
a) Association And Causation,
b) Write Procedures in Descriptive Studios. Add note on uses of Descriptive
c) Epidemiological triad, diagnosis, Control and Prevention of Tetanus. -
d) Mention various types of accidents. Add a note on Domestic Accidents - Causes,
Risk Factors and Prevention.
e) Adverse Events after Vaccination.
f) Notification of Diseases.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) : (4x5=20
a) Primary Health Care.
b) Natural History of Disease.
c) Thiamine-Sources, Functions, Thiamine losses, Deficiency Disorders.
d) Mention the environmental factors, Signs and Symptoms, Control and Prevention
of Drug addiction. .
f) ESI Act.

4. Long answer question (any two out of four) : (2x10= 20
a) Wríte in detail the epidemiological Determinants, High Risk Patients, Clinical
Manifestation, Prevention and Control in Dengue.
b) Neonatal care and neonatal examination.
c) Epidemiological Determinants, risk factor, hazards and assessment of Obesity.
d) Role of Homoeopathy in Community Medicine.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7):
5. Long answer question:  (1x20=20) Write in detail epidemiological determinants, clinical features, diagnosis, control and
prevention of AIDS. Add a note on National AIDS control programme.
6. Long answer question :  (1x20=20)
Define Balanced Diet and write about the Dietary Goals. Also mention sources, functions and supplementary action of proteins and add a note on PEM and Mid day meal programme.
7. Long answer question :
Mention various air pollutants, their health hazards, prevention and control in detail. Also mention various water pollutants ,water related diseases, prevention and control of the same in detail.

Fourth B.H.M.S. (New) Examination, Summer 2018


Total Duration : 3 Hours

Total Marks : 100
1. Write short answer (any ten out of fifteen):
(10x2=20) a
) State essential elements of case taking to facilitate Repertorisation.
b) State how Repertory can be helpful in case taking.
c) Qualities of physician for case taking as per Organon of Medicine.
d). Mention different varieties of causes that influence selection of a remedy.
e) State why concomitant symptoms are important in repertorisation to select a  
f) State about importance of Signs in repertorisation for selection of a remedy.
g) State advantage of Logico-utilitarian type of repertory over Puritan type of
h) State advantage of Alphabetical type of repertory over Logico-utilitarian type of
i) State advantage of Puritan type of repertory over Logico-utilitarian type of
l) State what is word origin and word meaning of 'Rubric'.
k) State what is difference between Particular rubric and Particular symptom.
l) State what is word origin and word meaning of 'Repertory'.
m) Define "General rubric' as per Dr. J.T. Kent; give an example of the same from its
chapter Head.
n) Dofine Cross-reference rubric' as stated in Dr. J. T. Kent's repertory: give an
example of the same from its Mind chapter.
o) Differentiate Dr. Kent's rubrics 'Complaining' from 'Lamenting' of Mind chapter.

2. Write short answer (any four out of six) : (4x5=20)
a) State scope of Homoeopathic repertory in study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
and Therapeutics.
b) Discuss about importance of 'Totality of Symptoms' as an important step for
c) Describe "Classical Method' of Repertorisation.
d) Discuss 'How do Keynote symptoms help in prescribing Homoeopathic remedy' ?
e) State what are scopes of Homoeopathic software in repertorisation.
f Discuss Dr. J. T. Kent's views on value of symptoms of Mind in Repertorisation
against the views of Dr. Boenninghausen about the same.

3. Write short answer (any four out of six) : (4x5=20)
a) State salient features and advantages of 'Dr. Bell's repertory on Diarrhoea'.
b) State scope of clinical repertory in Homoeopathic prescribing. What care is
required when it is to be applied to clinical use?
c) Define Regional repertories. Discuss the construction and uses of Dr. Berridge's
Eye Repertory.
d) State salient features of Dr. H.C. Allen's repertory part of Therapeutics of Fever's
and their advantages.
.e) Discuss how 'Analysis and evaluation of symptoms are important steps of artistic
method of Repertorisation'.
f) Discuss "Repertorial Totality and its importance for Repertorisation of a case.

4. Long answer question (any two out of four) : (2x10=20)
a) Discuss different types of case record keeping. State advantages and
disadvantages of the each type.
b) Write salient features and advantages of Dr. Knerr's repertory of Hering's guiding
c) State expected difficulties while taking a chronic case and mention solutions of
the each difficulty.
d) Explain the relationship of Repertory with Homoeopathic Materia and Homoeopathic Principles and Philosophy.

Long answer question (any one from Q. No. 5, 6 and 7) (1x20=20
5. Long answer question :
Write about History of', 'Concepts and Philosophy', 'Salient features of Construction
and 'Scope and utility' of Dr. Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book.

6. Long answer question : (1x20=20)
Describe the evolution of repertories in detail from Hahnemannian era till the present time.

7. Long answer question (1x20=20) :
Classify Repertories into various types, mentioning peculiarities, utility and disadvantages of each type.


  1. These are all new batch papers. Can you add 2015 batch paper please..
